Brim: Creative Overflow in Worship Design
Banner Designs for the Church Year
Women’s Christmas Retreat (not just for women!)
—Psalm 36:5-10
Leader: Your steadfast love, O Lord, extends to the heavens,
your faithfulness to the clouds.
People: Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains,
your judgments are like the great deep;
you save humans and animals alike, O Lord.
Leader: How precious is your steadfast love, O God!
All people may take refuge in the shadow of your wings.
People: They feast on the abundance of your house,
and you give them drink from the river of your delights.
Leader: For with you is the fountain of life;
in your light we see light.
People: O continue your steadfast love to those who know you,
and your salvation to the upright of heart!
—Elinor Swindle Brown
Leader: The law of the Lord is perfect,
reviving the soul.
People: The decrees of the Lord are sure,
making wise the simple.
Leader: The precepts of the Lord are right,
rejoicing the heart.
People: The commandment of the Lord is clear,
enlightening the eyes.
Leader: The fear of the Lord is pure,
enduring forever.
People: The ordinances of the Lord are true
and righteous altogether.
Leader: More to be desired are they than gold,
even much fine gold.
People: Sweeter also than honey,
and drippings of the honeycomb.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
—adapted from Psalm 138
Leader: We give you thanks, O Lord, with our whole heart;
before the gods we sing your praise.
People: We bow down toward your holy temple
and give thanks to your name for your steadfast love and your faithfulness;
for you have exalted your name and your word above everything.
Leader: On the day we called, you answered us,
you increased our strength of soul.
People: All the kings of the earth shall praise you, O Lord,
for they have heard the words of your mouth.
They shall sing of the ways of the Lord,
for great is the glory of the Lord.
Leader: Though we walk amid trouble,
you preserve us against the wrath of our enemies;
you stretch out your hand,
and your right hand delivers us.
People: You Lord will fulfill your purpose for us;
your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
—adapted from Psalm 1:1-3
Leader: Happy are those who do not follow the advice of the wicked,
or take the path that sinners tread, or sit in the seat of scoffers.
People: Their delight is in the law of the Lord,
and on God’s law they meditate day and night.
Leader: They are like trees planted by streams of water,
which yield their fruit in its season, and their leaves do not wither.
People: In all that they do, they prosper. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
—adapted from Psalm 37:3-11
Leader: Trust in the LORD and do good;
so you will live in the land and enjoy security.
People: Take delight in the Lord,
and God will give you the desires of your heart.
Leader: Commit your way to the Lord;
trust in God. God will act.
People: Be still before the LORD and wait patiently;
do not fret over those who prosper in their way,
over those who carry out evil devices.
Leader: For the wicked shall be cut off,
but those who wait for the Lord shall inherit the land.
People: The meek shall inherit the land,
and delight themselves in abundant prosperity.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
Sinners we are and sinners we will always be, except for the grace of Jesus the Christ. We are told in 1 Corinthians 4:2 that a steward must be found trustworthy. Acknowledging that in our sin we have neglected and rejected gifts that have been provided by God, let us confess our sins together.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
Do we look to break others down so we can feel superior? Do we proclaim our gifts as the best and others as the worst? As humans we do that and more. But the good news is that if we repent and confess our guilt to God, we will be right with God again. God has promised this. Let us do so now.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
Isaiah 6:5 says “And I said: ‘Woe is me! I am lost, for I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips; yet my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts!’” Isaiah knew that he was in the presence of Almighty God, and he had need to confess his sins. As he did, so we do now.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
Hear these words from Jeremiah: “Thus says the Lord: Cursed are those who trust in mere mortals and make mere flesh their strength, whose hearts turn away from the Lord. They shall be like a shrub in the desert and shall not see when relief comes.” We heed what the Lord says and come now to turn our hearts back to God.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
Luke 6:27-28 says: “But I say to you that listen, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you.” This is hard to do and yet it is harder still to know that we are often the ones hating, and cursing, and hurting. For this reason, we go to God in prayer to ask for forgiven and to be united with God.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
God of grace, you have called us to give ourselves completely to you. Yet, we often hold
back part for worldly pursuits.
Lord, in your mercy, forgive us.
You have given us the gift of time. You give us time to serve, time to learn, time to grow, time to share. We spend our time serving self.
Lord, in your mercy, forgive us.
You provide us with opportunity to serve in numerous ways using the talents and abilities we have been given. We tend to hide our gifts.
Lord, in your mercy, forgive us.
You have provided even the least among us with more financial resources than most of the world. We resist sharing because of fear for the future.
Lord, in your mercy, forgive us.
You have provided us with a beautiful creation to enjoy. We take it for granted and abuse this incredible earth.
Lord, in your mercy, forgive us.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
O God, we know it takes a community working together to fulfill your kingdom here on earth. Yet we see ourselves as the people who are indispensable and better than others who are working for you. For this we are sorry. We know you have created each of us with specific gifts to do your will and we are jealous when others get the attention and accolades that we think are ours. For this we are sorry. Instill in us a sense of community. Give us a sense of peace. Take our sins and make them as if they were never there. For this we will be eternally grateful. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
God, we turn away from you wanting to do what we want to do and paying no attention to your voice calling us back. We know we are happy when we are walking with you but can’t seem to do what we know is best. We trust in ourselves or in people who we think are superior in some way to us. God, forgive us. Help us to put our trust in you and make you, our strength. Grant us the relief that only comes with being forgiven by you. We pray in your son’s name. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
O God, you know that we may not admit that we hate others, but you also know that we may gossip about them behind their backs. You know that we may not shout curses at others, but we do imagine how we might get the upper hand with some witty comeback. You know that we hurt others many times those who are closest to us with the things we say or do, whether we intend to hurt or not. God of great mercy, forgive us of these and other sins that we have committed. Cleanse our hearts, minds, and souls so we can turn the other cheek, give of all we have and go the extra mile for others. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
God, like Isaiah, we too are unworthy to come before you and yet here we stand. Not only do we stand before you, we are here to ask your forgiveness for the sins we have committed again this week. Will we ever learn? We ask you to convict us when we do wrong and deal with those we have hurt, ignored, or simply think that they don’t matter. Remind us that all matters to you: people, creation, relationships. We ask in your son’s name. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
While God knows our sin, God also hears our cries. In our sin, God still reaches out to forgive and restore us. Having confessed our sins, rejoice in forgiveness through Christ and live in God’s love.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
Do we glimpse an image of the kingdom of God that is all around us? We can through the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Through his sacrifice, we are forgiven. Thanks be to God. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
Isaiah continues to share his vision to the people of God: “Then one of the seraphs flew to me, holding a live coal that had been taken from the altar with a pair of tongs. The seraph touched my mouth with it and said: ‘Now that this has touched your lips, your guilt has departed, and your sin is blotted out.’” Thank goodness God does not touch our lips with hot coals! Through Jesus’ sacrifice, we have been given new life and a new chance to be in the presence of the Almighty God. Thanks be to God our sins are forgiven. Hear this good news friends and be glad. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
Jeremiah goes on to say: “Blessed are those who trust in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord. They shall be like a tree planted by water, sending out its roots by the stream. It shall not fear when heat comes, and its leaves shall stay green; in the year of drought, it is not anxious, and it does not cease to bear fruit.” Through Jesus Christ, we are like that tree and have been saved through his refreshing life-flow. We have been forgiven. Believe the good news! Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
In Luke, Jesus goes on to say: “Forgive, and you will be forgiven; give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap; for the measure you give will be the measure you get back.” He tells us to do this because it is an example of God’s mercy to us. Through Jesus Christ, we are forgiven and should forgive others. Thanks be to God for such abundant mercy. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
God, one of the great gifts that you have shared with us is your word. Open our hearts and minds as the scriptures are read and the message is proclaimed. Help us to hear with anticipation what you have to say and give us a sense of urgency to share it with others. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
As Jesus opened the eyes of those in the synagogue to whom he was reading, open our eyes now to the truth of your word through the reading and hearing of the scripture and sermon. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
O God, as the disciples listened to Jesus to throw their nets back into the water and become fishers of people, so we ask you to help us listen to your word as it is read and spoken so we too can go out and spread your good news. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
Grant us the gift of wisdom Holy One. Grant us the gift of insight into your word. Grant us the gift of learning from your word and your servant. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
May we hear your word read and preached and be challenged by it. Open us up to be attentive to the message you have for us. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
- Isaiah 62:1-5
- Psalm 36:5-10+
- 1 Corinthians 12:1-11
- John 2:1-11
—Elinor Swindle Brown
- Jeremiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10
- Psalm 19
- 1 Corinthians 12:12-31a
- Luke 4:14-21
—Elinor Swindle Brown
- Isaiah 6:1-8 (9-13)
- Psalm 138
- 1 Corinthians 15:1-11
- Luke 5:1-11
—Elinor Swindle Brown
- Jeremiah 17:5-10
- Psalm 1
- 1 Corinthians 15:12-20
- Luke 6:17-26
—Elinor Swindle Brown
- Genesis 45:3-11, 15
- Psalm 37:1-11
- 1 Corinthians 15:35-38
- Luke 6:27-38
—Elinor Swindle Brown
With all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, let us draw near to the throne of grace with our praise and petitions to the Lord, as we pray together for our world:
All: Generous God, hear our prayer.
Let us pray for the church.
Almighty God, we give thanks for the gift of the body of Christ—a tapestry of believers from every nation and tribe on this terrestrial ball. We pray for grace and insight to celebrate our commonality and for pardon when we choose to focus on our differences. We pray for protection for those who face persecution. We pray for sustenance for those who are suffering. And we pray for forgiveness for those who are complacent.
(time for silent prayer)
All: Generous God, hear our prayer.
Let us pray for creation.
Creator God, we give thanks for our world and its abundance beyond measure. We pray for insight as we fulfill our responsibilities as its caretakers and for pardon for times when we have taken these blessings for granted. We pray for protection for all living things that are endangered. We pray for comfort for all living things that are suffering. And we pray for forgiveness for those who callously disregard their responsibility to our earthly home.
(time for silent prayer)
All: Generous God, hear our prayer.
Let us pray for this community.
Loving God, we give thanks for the gift of communities—rural villages, suburban neighborhoods, city blocks. We pray for tender hearts as we interact with our neighbors and for pardon for times when we have passed by those in need. We pray for protection for those in our community who are threatened. We pray for comfort for those in our community who are suffering. And we pray for forgiveness for those who seek to tear down our community instead of building it up.
(time for silent prayer)
All: Generous God, hear our prayer.
Let us pray for all families and those who live alone.
Compassionate God, we give thanks for the gift of families and for the cycle of life. We pray for sensitivity and understanding as we interact with our families and pardon for times when we have excluded those in need of love. We pray for protection for those in our families who face danger. We pray for comfort for those who are experiencing difficult family situations. And we pray for forgiveness for those who have caused sorrow to families through their words and deeds.
(time for silent prayer)
All: Generous God, hear our prayer.
Patient God, we entrust our prayers to you. Give us insight to understand your leading and guidance as you answer our prayers. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
Creator God, the image of the Christian community being the body of Christ is a beautifully inclusive one. We all come together to praise your name and thank you for all that we have been given by you. Truly when we look in creation, there is no way to believe otherwise that we have been made to be a part of something that cannot survive efficiently without other people.
For this reason, we come now asking you to be with others who need to know that they also need others. We know that our church cannot function without the gifts of all our people. Because of this, we pray for those who are not here with us: who are sick or grieving, who have felt alienated or lonely, who are anxious and stressed, who are only you know God. Use our talents to offer these healing, comfort, support, peace, and hope.
We come now asking you to be with our world leaders who need you. Give us the opportunities to share with them that they cannot work alone and expect great things to happen. Give them the insight to know that they must come to their work knowing that in order to do it well, they must build any bridges, compromise for change, and share a common understanding of your will and not their own.
We come now asking you to be with us as we use the world’s resources. Open our eyes to the reality that the flutter of a butterflies wings across the world, can be a change action in Memphis, Tennessee. And that what we do affect so many others so we need to be sure that our actions are one with your will.
Give us the courage to uncover injustice, the treat others with kindness, and to make our faith a priority in our lives. May we follow the example of the one who taught us how to pray. Our Father…
—Elinor Swindle Brown
O God, Isaiah in his vision gave us the perfect example of how to worship. We like him have raised our voices in praise and thanksgiving to you for all the mighty acts you have done. We have confessed that we are not worthy of you because of our sin and are forgiven by you through your son Jesus Christ. We have heard the word and agreed that we cannot help but cry out: Here I am! Send me!
In his vision, Isaiah pleads for your people, and we are here to also plead for your people. We ask that you would be amid these joys and concerns:
—for those who have recently gotten married or have had a baby
—for those who have celebrated another birthday or anniversary
—for those who have finished schooling or have received recognition
—for those who are sick and need your healing touch
—for those who are addicted or have a family member who is addicted
—for those experiencing hunger or homelessness
—for those who are depressed or feeling hopeless
—for those who need to reach out to others in need
—for your world and its creation
O God, give us the will and abilities to touch the lives of those we have just named. And be with those of our church community who especially need you in the coming weeks: (prayer list).
O God, we pray the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples saying: Our Father….Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
In this bidding prayer, I will offer up a person, concern, or issue. As I do, I would ask that you take a few minutes to pray. Then I will say “Lord in your mercy” to which you will answer “hear our prayer.”
Leader: Lord in your mercy
People: hear our prayer.
For the world, and the sins we have committed against creation…(response)
For the world of politics, and the sins committed in our names by politicians we hope have our best interest in mind…(response)
For a world filled with injustice…(response)
For a world filled with division and hate within and outside the church universal…(response)
For a world filled with loneliness and depression and those who are caught up in it…(response)
For a world filled with sickness and grief, both throughout the globe and in our own small community…(response)
For a world filled with secrets meant to destroy and cause suspicion…(response)
For the world inside of us that we don’t let people see lest they judge and scorn us…(response)
Lord, you alone can heal this world and make it right. We ask for your mercy and grace and give us opportunities to show kindness where there is hate, compassion where there is oppression. Open our eyes to those opportunities and courage to face them. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
As we journey on our life’s journey, Holy God, we praise your name as an awesome God that is always present. We thank you for your love and abundance in our lives as we experience it every day. We hear your voice calling to us and want to answer just as Jesus has shown us to. Give us strength and passion for our work on earth for you. Give us insight to see those of your children in need of something we can help them with. Give us a peace as we go to sleep at night knowing that we did all we could for you that day.
We come to you now knowing that there are others who need your help and ours. We acknowledge their needs and ask you to show us how to help. Give our church the passion and compassion for others so we together can work towards making the lives of those we meet better.
We also pray for those within our church community. You know the needs and know who among us has the skills and gifts to help them. Open our eyes to those around us and let us show compassion. If there is someone here hurting now, we pray for your guidance to help.
We pray for ourselves O God. We are not always kind to ourselves. We do not expect perfection from others, but somehow think it is something we need to achieve. Help us to be gentle with ourselves so we can be built up to do the work you have for us.
We pray all these things in the name of the one who made himself mercy for us all and taught us how to pray this prayer: Our Father….Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
We live in an abundant universe that God has generously created for all our needs. How do we help create the mercy and justice that God asks of us? Through generously offering our time, talents, and resources. Let us continue to worship God through our giving recognizing that we are thankful for all the ways we have been blessed.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
Jesus read to those in the synagogue these words from Isaiah: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” We have the privilege to join in this work by giving what we have.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
Let us as a church community throw out our nets to bring in our money, our gifts for the growing of God’s ministries lived out in our midst.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
Giving of our tithes and offerings is not just a time to take a break and listen to music. It is an act of worship: one that tangibly demonstrates the priority of God in our lives. Let us worship God now with our gifts.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
Just as we should give when someone asks, we need give because it is an act of worship. Where does God come in your life’s priorities? Your gift is a tangle demonstration of it. Let us bring our tithes and offerings to God.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
Gracious and loving God, as a community of faith we share these gifts. We pray that you will bless them, and bless us, as we are the hands of Christ that build your kingdom. We pray that they will bring honor and glory to you as we work together in love. We pray that they will bring comfort and blessing to the needy and oppressed. And we pray that they will be a light to guide all to a closer relationship with you. In Christ’s name we pray, Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
Our gifts are brought to your altar O God, to mingle together, to be blessed and to go out to help release the captives, recover sight to the blind, let the oppressed go free, and to proclaim your good news. May these gifts come together with those of other communities to further your kingdom here on earth. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
Just as Peter and the others fishing, we are caught off guard God by the abundance you give to us. And again, as we bring what we have today, we are amazed and see your glory. Bless these gifts and use them to make us and others, fishers of people. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
We worship and adore you Giving God. Through these gifts we are saying to you that you are a priority in our lives, and we want to give to the ministries of this church to show you. Take and bless these gifts and use them to further the kingdom of heaven here on earth. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
God, we pray that we will also show in our giving to this community that you are first in our lives. Take and use us as you take and use these gifts to further your kingdom. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
Go now into God’s world,
ready and willing to be loving, trusting, and generous people.
Go with the assurance that God’s Spirit is within you,
making it evident that you are a child of God
who cares for all of God’s children and desires to bring them to Christ. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
Whatever part of the body of Christ you are, take your gifts our into the world and use them to help others. Be a positive force in the world to bring about peace, to preach inclusiveness, and to introduce the Holy Spirit to others.
And as you go, may God the head of the body,
God the heart of the body,
And God the hands and feet of the body, go with you all. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
The Lord asks “Whom shall I send? Who will go for me?”
And we reply, “Here am I! Send me.”
As we go out to spread God’s message to the world, may we remember that
God, our creator’s love goes with us,
God, our savior’s grace sustains us,
And God, our guide’s comfort lifts us up and encourages us in all that we do in God’s name. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
Let us live this week as if we are a tree planted by the water—
Stretching our roots to find the life-giving water that God so freely gives.
As we go, let us know that God, the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, one in three goes with us to love us, to guide us and to protect us. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
Jacob shared with his brothers what his purpose in life was. What is God revealing to you that your purpose in life is? As you go and reflect on this, know that the triune God goes with you, calling you, saving you, and showing you. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown