The Gift of Helps
The Houts Spiritual Gifts Survey defines this gift in this way: “The gift of helps is the special ability that God gives to certain members of the Body of Christ to invest in the talents they have in the life and ministry of other members of the Body, thus enabling those others to increase the effectiveness of their own spiritual gifts.”
It seems to me that those who have this gift need others around them to use their gift, so the first person can use their gift. In this day and age, we don’t see this happening as much in the global community. And yet we know that this is happening because the world is still living.
People with the gift of helps are crucial to everyone's survival because they are the people who are able to reach across a gap and build a bridge between people. This gap may be the political gap; it might be the racial gap; it might be the gender gap; it may be the theological gap. Whatever it is, it is essential that these people are building those bridges, or else our world would be even more chaotic than it is usually is!
For those of us who do not have the spiritual gift of helps, we are still called to exercise this gift with the possibility of gaining skills in this area. So here are four ideas to ease into building bridges while using some of your God given spiritual gifts:
1. Decide to make a Friend
In our communities, we stick to “our own kind” whatever that may be: social, racial, etc. Decide to reach out to someone who is not like you and try to build a friendship with them. This is sometimes hard to do geographically. Since we are living through a pandemic, let’s turn it to our advantage and reach out virtually. We might ask some of our current friends that have friendships that span gaps. Ask them to help you be a part of that friendship by starting a project or doing a service together. There is nothing like an activity or event to cement a new friendship.
2. Offer your Services
There are lots of groups who are trying to bridge the gap in your city or town. Get in touch with them and volunteer. If you have special gifts or talents like developing videos or collating mailings, let them know what you can do so they can give you a task that best fits your gifts. If you don’t have such a group in your area, contact a bigger city or town and ask them to mentor you through creating one. You might even reach out to someone new and complete #1 too.
3. See a Problem, Solve a Problem
With heightened violence in our world today, covenant with God that you will be a peacekeeper when you see a problem. If you are in a store and see two people having an argument, see if you can help deescalate the problem. One of the people might be being yelled at. You might step into their space and ask if they are ok and if there is a way that you can get them away from the situation. Always be careful in these situations because emotions are high. Google ways to intervene carefully and safely for all involved.
4. Activate your Faith
Pray every morning asking God to lead you into a situation today where you can be a help. Then be alert and aware the whole day looking for these opportunities God is providing. The more you do this, the more aware you will become of these times when you can be of help.