The Gift of Evangelism
Evangelism is a spiritual gift that may not be claimed by many people. And yet all Christians are called to evangelize and reach out to the lost with the Gospel (Matthew 28:18-20), and our Confession of Faith says that we are all called to bring the gospel to the world. Some people are given an extra measure of faith and effectiveness in this area and these people are most likely “given the unique ability by the Holy Spirit to clearly and effectively communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ to others.”
The Greek word for evangelists is euaggelistes which means “one who brings good news.” These people have a heart for the lost, want to share the truth, can easily overcome the fear of rejection, talk to all people, seek relationships with those who they are led to by the Holy Spirit, and they are the “feet that bring good news.”
For those of us who do not have the spiritual gift of evangelism, we are still called to exercise this gift with the possibility of gaining skills in this area. So here are four ideas to ease into the spreading of the gospel while using some of your God given spiritual gifts:
1. Making and Sharing Butterflies
The newsletter, the APCE Advocate (Association of Presbyterian Church Educators), contained an article about what we might do in our neighborhood to celebrate the Easter season while still maintaining a social distance during this pandemic. As an individual or family, it encouraged all to make butterflies. These can be colored or crafted. And then to go a step further and put them in neighborhood windows on Easter Sunday and during the season of Easter. I would go a step further and suggest that your household make butterflies and hang them on your neighbor’s front door or porch with a message attached: Christ is risen; he has risen indeed. Alleluia! Butterflies can be easily made by coloring a coffee filter and pinching the middle of it with a clothespin or pipe cleaner. Or use different color tissue paper to make the butterflies. They can be as simple or as elaborate as you want to make them. This is a good way to share the gospel without pressuring anyone to listen if they choose not to.
2. Inviting neighbors to a Virtual Worship Service
I do not worship close to my home and for this reason, I have been apprehensive to invite others to worship with me. As we are amidst “stay at home” orders, many of our churches are worshipping virtually on Facebook Live or other in other ways. Because of this, we have a perfect opportunity to invite people to join us for worship. We can offer a link and invitation and allow the Holy Spirit to work. They need not be a close neighbor, but can come from all over the world to worship.
3. Painted Rocks with Message
There is a movement that has been around for a long time, but I have just recently heard it given a name—craftivism. According to Betsy Greer, the woman who coined the phrase in 2003, "craftivism is a way of looking at life where voicing opinions through creativity makes your voice stronger, your compassion deeper & your quest for justice more infinite." It is also a way to use a craft to send messages of encouragement, justice or affirmation through crafting. There has been a popular trend of people painting rocks and leaving them throughout their city or town and that is what I am suggesting. Find or buy some rocks and some craft paint for this bit of evangelism. Decorate one side of the rock with a message of kindness or blessing. Then decorate around the message in an attractive way. You may want to include on the other side of the rock the name and website for your church or simply encourage the finder of the rock to join a group for worship. Then scatter the rocks around your community for others to find.
4. Yard Sign
The Rogersville CP Church (as well as others) have been making and selling “Just be kind” and “Encourage One Another” yard signs. This is a simple way to spread the gospel without speaking a word. The sign encourages all readers who pass by a home while reminding those who live there as they pull in and out of their driveway.