Cumberland Presbyterian Church Ministries
Brim: Creative Overflow in Worship Design
Banner Designs for the Church Year
Leader: Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the lands
People: Serve the Lord with gladness,
come into God’s presence with singing!
Leader: Know that the Lord is God!
It is God that made us, and we are God’s.
We are God’s people and the sheep of God’s pasture.
People: Enter God’s gates with thanksgiving and God’s courts with praise!
Give thanks to God, bless God’s name!
Leader: For the Lord is good; God’s steadfast love endures forever,
and God’s faithfulness to all generations.
—Robert Rush
—Adapted from Psalm 8
Leader: The Lord be with you.
People: And also with you.
Leader: How majestic is God’s name throughout the earth.
People: God’s glory is higher than the heavens.
Leader: Who are we that God should consider us,
People: what kind of mortals that God should care for us?
Leader: Yet, God has crowned us with glory and honor,
People: and given us power to share in holy work;
Leader: to rule as God would rule,
People: spreading peace and salvation throughout the earth.
Leader: O Lord, our Sovereign,
People: how majestic is your name in all the earth!
—Jamie Lively
—Adapted from John 14:12
Leader: The Lord be with you.
People: And also with you.
Leader: Jesus said to his disciples:
People: you will do greater works than I do, for I am going to the Father.
Leader: Greater acts of compassion, deeper works of mercy;
People: greater words of healing, multiple prayers for peace;
Leader: Greater spread of the gospel, a broader reach of forgiveness;
People: greater preaching of truth, a world-wide call to faith.
Leader: We will do great works in God’s name,
People: the power of the risen Christ working through us.
—Jamie Lively
—Adapted from the Catechism of the CP Church
Leader: The Lord be with you.
People: And also with you.
Leader: What is the purpose of the church?
People: The purpose of the church is to worship God
and to share God’s love with the world.
Leader: What does the church do in worship?
People: The church gathers in the presence of the living God
to celebrate God’s wonderful deeds.
Leader: What does God do in worship?
People: In worship, God nourishes and strengthens the church
through the preaching of the Word and the celebration of the sacraments,
which are baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
Leader: How do we share the love of God in Jesus Christ?
People: We share the love of God in Jesus Christ by telling others the good news about Jesus
and by helping those who suffer and are oppressed.
Leader: O God, help the Cumberland Presbyterian Church to fulfill its duties.
People: Make us faithful, dear God, make us faithful.
—Jamie Lively
—Psalm 108:1-5 (The Message)
I’m ready, God, so ready,
Ready from head to toe.
Ready to sing,
Ready to raise a God-song:
“Wake, soul! Wake, lute!
Wake up, you sleepyhead sun!”
I’m thanking you, God, out in the streets,
Singing your praises in town and country.
The deeper your love, the higher it goes;
Every cloud is a flag to your faithfulness.
Soar high in the skies, O God!
Cover the whole earth with your glory.
Because of the contemporary wording of this Psalm, it would be a wonderful opportunity to include youth and older children to read as antiphonally [taking turns], adding instruments, streamers, etc. Then you could end like this:
Youth: I AM ready to worship! Are YOU (name of church) ready?
Congregation: YES! We are ready!
—Paula Louder
Have different Ministry team leaders in congregation read the Call to Worship instead of children and youth.
—Paula Louder
For a more traditional Call to Worship, you could use the New Living Translation.
—Psalm 108:1-5 (NLT)
My heart is confident in you, O God;
No wonder I can sing your praises!
Wake up, my soul!
Wake up, O harp and lyre!
I will waken the dawn with my song.
I will thank you, Lord, in front of all the people.
I will sing your praises among the nations,
For your unfailing love is higher than the heavens.
Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds.
Be exalted, O God, above the highest heavens.
May your glory shine over all the earth.
—Paula Louder
—Responses based on the hymn, Whosoever Will, by Philip P. Bliss
Leader: We come from the east, the west, the north and the south.
People: Whosoever will, may come!
Leader: We come as wanderers, looking for a place to call home.
People: Whosoever hears, shout, shout the sound!
Leader: We come to hear the story of Jesus, our Lord and Savior.
People: Jesus is the true, the Living Way!
Leader: We come to hear the good news, news that offers hope and healing.
People: Spread the blessed tidings all the world around!
Leader: So let us come to worship, to sing, to pray, to listen and to be challenged,
to follow the God who calls us to come!
People: Whosoever will, may come!
—Kip Rush
—Based on Psalm 67
Leader: God has been gracious to us. God has blessed us,
People: God has made God’s face to shine upon us.
Leader: God reveals the way to all peoples,
People: God guides all the nations on the earth.
Leader: God judges everyone with equity.
People: God shows saving power everywhere.
Leader: Let all the nations praise you, O God,
People: Let us, your people, praise you.
—Nobuko Seki
Leader: We gather here, in community, to praise God, to sing to God,
to listen for God, to make offerings to God.
People: We gather to offer God our very best worship.
Leader: May our worship in this hour bring God joy.
People: And may none of us leave here the same as we arrived.
—Andy McClung
—Romans 5:8, Hebrews 4:16
But God shows God’s love for us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
—Robert Rush
The prophet Jeremiah declares that God will be our God, and we will be God’s people. Knowing that God hasn’t given up on us, let us confess how we have gone astray, and ask for help in time of need.
—Jamie Lively
God has called us to be the Church in the world−to be God’s ambassadors, but so often what the world sees is anything but kingdom people. At this time, we have the awesome privilege to confess our shortcomings, our sins, before our God knowing that God is faithful and just and will forgive those sins.
—Paula Louder
The psalmist reminds us that living faithfully all the time, which is what we are called to do, is difficult: “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my thoughts. See if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” (Psalm 139:23-24, NRSV)
Admitting our failures and seeking God’s grace, let us come before God as we confess our sins.
—Kip Rush
Remember that our Lord Jesus can sympathize with us in our weaknesses, since in every respect he was tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us then with boldness approach the throne of grace that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
Let us confess our sins against God and our neighbor.
(A pause for silent reflection follows.)
—Nobuko Seki
Adapted from Psalm 130
From the depths of our despair let us call upon God, believing God’s promise to forgive us and to keep no record of our sins. With trust in God’s constant love and endless desire to save, let us confess our sins.
—Andy McClung
Almighty God, Creator and Redeemer of the world.
You have called us to proclaim salvation and make disciples of all nations.
But we want to limit our ministry to our own little circle.
Although you have called us to go,
we are content to sit and hope people will come.
You have called us to deny ourselves,
but we prefer to indulge ourselves.
You expect the Church to grow,
but we are satisfied with the people we have.
Forgive us, Lord, and renew us for ministry.
In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
—Robert Rush
O God, you desire for the church to be one,
but we quarrel and divide, and forget our connection
to other congregations that bear our name.
Forgive us.
You promise to reclaim lost lives through the work of your church,
but we are afraid to take risks, get bogged down in details that don’t matter,
and are easily discouraged when results are slow to come.
Forgive us.
You have given us a rich heritage in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
but we fail to pass down our beliefs with energy and creativity,
and overlook the wealth in our history.
Forgive us.
You are exceedingly patient with us,
but we quickly grow tired of working with one another,
and lose confidence in your promise that all things work together for good
for those who love you and are called according to your purpose.
Forgive us.
You have promised to be up ahead of us, opening the future,
but we cling to what we know and place our own comfort
over your call to move forward.
Forgive us.
God of mercy, fill our congregations, our presbyteries, our synods and our general assembly with new vision and holy fire,
so that we may move with confidence toward the new day dawning;
and so knit together our work by your Spirit
that we will do more together than we could do alone;
through Christ Jesus, Lord of all and Head of the Church. Amen.
—Jamie Lively
We have come together today collectively as your church, O God. We have answered the call to step out into our community, our world to spread the Good News; however, so often our view of the world becomes clouded by our wants and our desires. Instead of following the example set by Christ, we turn inward and limit our love and service to those closest to us, to those whom we view as likeminded. We are timid and afraid to reach out to those who need you the most. Forgive us, Lord. Help us to see all people as your children.
Other times we even fail to reach out to those in our own congregation. We wait for someone else to answer the call of service, or worse we become jealous and quarrelsome among ourselves. We get our feelings hurt when we don’t receive the recognition we feel is due us. Forgive us, Lord. May we be so filled with your Spirit that when others see us, the love of Christ shows through.
God, we have confessed our sin collectively, but now we ask that you would cleanse each of us individually, making us new again as we pour our hearts out to you. (Pause for a moment of silent prayer.)
Thank you, Lord, for hearing our prayers and for hearing the prayers of your people. In Jesus name, Amen.
—Paula Louder
Gracious God, we are your people called Cumberland Presbyterian. We are but a small part of your larger Church, called to serve the world by sharing your good news. Since the 1800’s, we have attempted to follow your call by reaching all over the globe with a message of hope, a message of love, a message of grace. As individual congregations, our community is limited but as the larger Church, our community expands to include countries from east to west and north to south. However, sometimes our pride and righteous indignation gets in the way of our ability to serve. So, we come to you, seeking your forgiveness and desiring your strength as we struggle to be faithful.
For the times when our prejudices against race, gender, sexual orientation and theological differences cause us to turn persons away.
Have mercy on us, O Lord. . . . (Silent reflection)
For the times we ignore or close our eyes to the struggles of those who are homeless, poor and hungry.
Have mercy on us, O Lord. . . . (Silent reflection)
For the times we have hurt the larger Church by refusing to do our share out of anger or resentment or frustration.
Have mercy on us, O Lord. . . . (Silent reflection)
For the times we were too weak to stand up for what was right because we were afraid.
Have mercy on us, O Lord. . . . (Silent reflection)
For the times we have refused to forgive others.
Have mercy on us, O Lord. . . . (Silent reflection)
For hurtful words said and helpful words unsaid, for unfinished tasks and unfulfilled hopes,
Have mercy on us, O Lord. . . . (Silent reflection)
Have mercy on us, O Lord, as we humble ourselves before you. Look upon us with kindness and grace. Rule in our churches, our homes and in all the world; show us how we should walk in your paths, through the mercy of our Savior. Amen.
—Kip Rush
Lord Jesus Christ, you have been the faithful sower, scattering the seeds of God’s love and grace in our lives. Yet we confess that our hearts have often been like hard soil, or shallow soil, or thorny soil, stunting the seed’s growth and failing to bear fruit. We also confess that we often have neglected our task of sowing the good news of your kingdom, and leavening the lives of others with your love. Forgive us, and renew us, so that we might grow more in our faith and bear the fruit of your mercy, of your love, of your undying life. Amen.
—Nobuko Seki
We confess, God, that sometimes we focus too much on ourselves and our own needs, neglecting our responsibilities as part of this community called [insert name of congregation] Cumberland Presbyterian Church. We confess that we often fail to think of this church as part of a presbytery and a denomination, too worried about the activities and needs right here to see beyond them. We confess that we sometimes cause division in the body of Christ by allowing dissimilar ideas about politics or theology to keep us from joining brothers and sisters in doing ministry.
Forgive us, merciful God, for forgetting or ignoring that to be Cumberland Presbyterian is to be connectional. For Christ’s sake, for the Church’s sake, give us the strength, faith, and courage—as a congregation, as part of a presbytery and denomination—to discern and do your will.
—Andy McClung
God forgives us our sins and does not remember them. Thanks be to God.
As God has forgiven us, we must also forgive others.
—Robert Rush
Hear the good news! Jesus said anything we ask in his name, he will do it. Forgiveness? He will do it. New start? He will do it. Letting go of whatever is holding us back, holding on to whatever we need to carry forward? Consider it done. Friends, trust the gospel: Jesus Christ forgives, and gets us moving back into ministry.
—Jamie Lively
Know and believe−our God is a God of mercy and grace. For those who have confessed their sin, those sins are forgiven.
Hallelujah! Amen.
—Paula Louder
—Jeremiah 33:8, NRSV
Hear the good news! “I will cleanse them from all the guilt of their sin against me, and I will forgive all the guilt of their sin and rebellion against me.” Know that in Jesus, God embraces us, forgives us, and strengthens us to live a renewed life.
Thanks be to God. Amen.
—Kip Rush
—Ephesians 3:20-21
Now to him who by the power at work within us is able to accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.
—Nobuko Seki
Church, hear this good news and rejoice in it: through Christ Jesus we are forgiven. Thanks be to God.
—Andy McClung
Lord, open our hearts and mind to hear the word as it is read, and proclaimed. Give us a willingness to follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
—Robert Rush
Eternal God, help us to hear what you want to say. And help not only this congregation to hear, but all congregations in this presbytery; and not only our presbytery, but all presbyteries in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Help us to hear your fresh, living word through the power of the Spirit, so we may receive your grace and get busy with your business. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
—Jamie Lively
True God, through the work of your Holy Spirit, speak truth to us now. We need more than our own words echoing back to us. Break open these texts and this sermon so we may hear your word to the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Give us your call, your mission. Speak, Lord, and grant us the grace of obedience. Amen.
—Jamie Lively
Almighty God, we acknowledge that you still speak to your people today just as in days of old. Your will for us is revealed through your word, through your messengers and through circumstance. We often forget to be still. Clear our hearts and minds of all that is outside this your sanctuary, especially the sanctuaries of our hearts that we may be attentive and alert to hear the message you have for each one of us here today and in so hearing may we also do. Amen.
—Paula Louder
Inspiring God, you have given us this word, your word, a word that instructs, empowers and challenges us as your people and your Church. May this word that we hear with our ears, move our hands and feet, inspire our spirits and stir our hearts to be the people you have called us to be. Amen.
—Kip Rush
O Lord our God,
Your word is a lamp to our feet
And a light to our path.
Give us grace to receive your truth in faith and love,
That we may be obedient to your will
And live always for your glory.
Through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.
—Nobuko Seki
By your grace, O God, grant that we may hear your voice speaking through holy scripture and its proclamation. May our response to the truth your word brings be to take what we hear today and share it with the world. Amen.
—Andy McClung
- Isaiah 49:1-6
- 1 Peter 2:9-10
- John 10:1-18
- John 14:12-14
- John 15:1-11
—Robert Rush
- Genesis 12:1-3, God’s promise to make a people who will bless all other peoples
- Isaiah 44:24-28, God’s promise to rebuild God’s people after destruction
- Matthew 28:16-20, Christ’s commission to his disciples
- 1 Corinthians 12, Various gifts that make up the body, all of which are needed
- John 17:20-24, Jesus’ high priestly prayer, asking that all believers be one
- 1 Peter 1:1 & 2, salutation to dispersed churches who share belief in Christ
- Mark 6:6b-13, Jesus sends his disciples as missionaries, traveling light
—Jamie Lively
These are songs that may be used to highlight this theme. These songs and scriptures could also be adapted for sermon topics.
- “One Race, One Gospel, One Task”
- “He has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors”… 2 Corinthians 5: 19-20
- Words by Margaret Clarkson
- Tune: “Praise to the Lord the Almighty”
- The Worshiping Church-A Hymnal, Hope Publishing (p. 735)
- “When the Church of Jesus”
- “You have neglected the more important matters… justice, mercy, and faithfulness” Matthew 23:
- Words by Fred Pratt Green
- Music: Ralph Vaughan Williams
- The Worshiping Church-A Hymnal, Hope Publishing (p. 722)
- “Lord, You Give the Great Commission”
- “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation…” Mark 16:15
- Words: Jeffery Rowthorn
- Music: Cyril V. Taylor
- The Worshiping Church-A Hymnal, Hope Publishing (p. 715)
- Acts 2: 42-47 A Generous and Growing Church
- 1 Corinthians 12: 4-11 or 1 Corinthians 12: 12-31 The Body of Christ Needs All Parts
—Paula Louder
- Exodus 3:1-15
- Joshua 24:14-28
- Matthew 28:16-20
- Luke 15:1-10
- Luke 18:15-17
- Galatians 2:15-21
- Ephesians 1:3-14
- Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16
—Kip Rush
- Psalm 96:3
- 1 Chronicles 16:23
- Sirach 35:12-14,16-18
- Matthew 24:14
- Mark 13:10, 16:15
- Luke 18:9-14
- Acts 1:8
- Romans 10:13-14
- 1 Timothy 4:6-16
- Revelation 14:6
—Nobuko Seki
- 1 Samuel 8:4-20. Focus 1: the Israelites’ ignored God’s will in their desire to be like other nations. Does the Church do this? Focus 2: God’s will is revealed to and through the community rather than one person. This is why we have sessions, presbyteries, GA, and committees of both clergy and laity rather than a single “king” (bishop/pope).
- Mark 3:20-35. Focus 1: a divided congregation/denomination will be ineffective. Are there cliques in your church? Do our presbytery/denomination-level teams cooperate? Focus 2: our global and cross-cultural ministry partners are brothers/sisters. Focus 3: cooperation vs. competition between the churches in your community.
- 1 Corinthians 12:4-31. Focus: your congregation, or the denomination, is one body but needs and utilizes various gifts and calls.
- 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1. Focus: This passage can refer to the individual believer, but also to the congregation or denomination. Is the “physical body” decaying? Is more attention paid to material or spiritual things?
—Andy McClung
O Lord, we praise you for the privilege of praying for others, and for the awareness that they are praying for us. We praise you for Memphis Theological Seminary and the Program of Alternate Studies. May your Spirit guide each student and each professor. We pray for the ministry of Bethel University as they help to prepare persons for a variety of careers. We pray that you will bless the Cumberland Presbyterian Children’s Home as they try to give stability and hope to children and adults who are living in dysfunctional family situations.
We long for there to be peace in our world. We pray for guidance to persons who serve as military chaplains and protect those who are serving in the military. We are grateful for persons who serve as chaplains in hospitals and other institutions. Help them to inspire faith and hope among people who sometimes seem to have no hope.
We pray that your Spirit will assist our missionaries serving in various places. We pray that you will daily strengthen people who minister through the Ministry Council on the Communications Ministry Team, Discipleship Ministry Team, Missions Ministry Team and Pastoral Development Ministry Team. Bless each team and staff member and give them wisdom as they plan the programs of the Church. We pray for the Board of Stewardship, the Office of the General Assembly, and the Historical Foundation—their boards and staff. Give them the knowledge they need to do your work. We pray for the staff of Our United Outreach Committee. Help them to know your will for our Church and celebrate its ministry with all our churches.
You know that we confront people with terminal illnesses, joblessness, homelessness,
people who are grieving the death of a loved one or are disappointed because of a major setback in life. Daily we see injustices in our society; give us the strength and willingness to be pro-active in trying to change some of these injustices. We pray for each Christian to be sensitive to the needs of those in the Church and outside the Church. We pray in the name of the one who loves us and gave himself for us. Amen.
—Robert Rush
God of mercy, you want our prayers, halting and troubled as they may be. Thank you for listening when your children pray. We ask you not only to consider what we ask, but to change us as we pray so that we look more and more like you.
Bless those who work for our denomination: all team leaders, ministry directors, elected servants and the staff members who support them. Let the sparks of creativity fly when they gather to plan. Use their differences to enrich our work. When difficulties arise, let them lead to new insights and fresh possibilities for ministry. And may the larger church always appreciate their hard work.
We praise you, O God, for new Cumberland Presbyterian congregations sprouting all over the world, sometimes in the poorest of places. Watch over ministers and missionaries serving these congregations, and may their conviction challenge our complacency, their vigor expose how we have lost our first love.
We celebrate with you the new approaches to communication and the new visions for ministry that are coming from our denominational center. And we ask your help in honoring that work by participating in the programs offered to us. Continue to nurture the bonds that make us one.
Be with us, God, as we struggle to relate to the new age that is unfolding around us. Old certainties are slipping, and we’re not sure how to meet this different time. Give us good sense not to blame each other when we become frustrated in our work. Instead, show us how to walk together a few feet at a time, trusting you to reform the church as it needs to reform to meet new demands.
But keep us committed to the belief that whoever wants can respond to the gospel. Help us hold open the door to any who feel drawn to your life and mercy, and make us eager to spread the blessed tidings all around that you, a loving God, are calling your children home.
Receive our prayers, offered in hope, and keep us praying until all that we do is connected to you and your wonderful will for the world; through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
—Jamie Lively
(Note: With this guided prayer, you may want to include a list of names of staff and elected team members as a bulletin insert. These names can be found at
God of mercy, hear the prayers of your church, and guide what we say through your Spirit.
We pray for the Discipleship Ministry Team that educates and equips all ages to serve and follow Jesus Christ…. (silence).
We pray for the Communications Ministry Team that produces the Cumberland Presbyterian magazine, the Missionary Messenger and other materials to inform and empower the church…. (silence).
We pray for the Missions Ministry Team that coordinates and initiates mission work around the world and in our backyard…. (silence).
We pray for the Pastoral Development Ministry Team that supports clergy and holds up the call to ordained ministry in the life of the church…. (silence).
We pray for the Ministry Council that oversees all of this work, and plans for the future…. (silence).
Bless the Historical Foundation, the Board of Stewardship, Foundation and Benefits, the Office of the General Assembly and all other boards and agencies that they may undergird the work of the denomination…. (silence).
Thank you, God, for paying attention to us. Use these prayers, and sift them, so that your will is done. Amen.
—Jamie Lively
Precious Lord,
We thank you and praise you for calling us your children
and like children we are given the opportunity and privilege of praying to you
with full assurance that you hear and answer our requests.
We thank you for your Church of which Cumberland Presbyterian is a part.
Today we especially lift up those in this denomination who serve in leadership roles
and pray your wisdom and guidance upon them.
Many from this global church who serve as Ministry Team Leaders,
pastors, elders, missionaries and Cumberland Presbyterian Women
as well as all their families will be traveling to Colombia, South America for General Assembly.
We pray travel mercies on them, Lord, blessings of good health,
and open, respectful, receptive hearts and minds
as they are guests in what for some will be uncharted territory.
Bestow your Spirit on them as at Pentecost
that language will not be a barrier to understanding, worship, and fellowship.
Lord, may your will be sought and established in the decisions that will be made
at this meeting of General Assembly
and may these decisions equip your church to more fully serve you in this world.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.
—Paula Louder
We praise and thank you, O Lord, that we are part of your family of faith. We share our gifts with your whole Church, offering messages of hope and grace. And we are thankful to be part of the family known as Cumberland Presbyterians. As part of a larger Church, we are able to share in ministry, not only in our community, but in communities around the world. So, we remember the ministries of which we are a part, and in which we support…
For the Office of the General Assembly, which handles the administrative duties of the church, serves as a liaison for ecumenical ministries of God’s larger Church and sees that the decisions of the Church are done neatly and in accordance with the Confession of Faith … (silence)
For the Ministry Council, who seeks Christ’s vision, supports ministry development and serves the Church through the ministry teams they encourage … (silence)
For the Communications Ministry Team, who strives to communicate with the Church in a way that is consistent with our faith and reinforces our connectional nature … (silence)
For the Discipleship Ministry Team, who seeks to educate and nurture all ages in their development as people of faith by providing information, resources and events for children, youth, adults and families … (silence)
For the Mission Ministry Team, who encourages and supports the women’s ministry, helps establish cross-cultural churches in the United States, resources and encourages evangelism in our local congregations, and works to establish new congregations all over the world … (silence)
For the Pastoral Development Ministry Team, who offers nurture and care for ordained ministers and probationers, and provides resources and events to improve their pastoral ministry … (silence)
For the Board of Stewardship, which oversees the financial responsibilities of the church, including opportunities for health insurance and retirement for ministers, and offers congregations a place to invest for future ministries … (silence)
For the Historical Foundation, which houses, preserves, protects, and maintains the records of the Cumberland Presbyterian Churches so that the past will never be lost to the future … (silence)
For the Children’s Home, which has served children and families by providing healing and hope since 1904 … (silence)
For Bethel University, which has, since 1842, provided opportunities for men and women to develop their greatest potential, intellectually, spiritually, socially and physically, in a Christian environment … (silence)
For Memphis Theological Seminary, which educates and sustains men and women for ordained and lay Christian ministry in the Church and the world through shaping and inspiring lives devoted to scholarship, piety and justice … (silence)
For the Unification Task Force, which is working to bring together the Cumberland Presbyterian Church and Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America, who already share a common heritage, a common Confession of Faith and work together in some areas of ministry, with the hope that two shall become one … (silence)
God, these entities remind us that we are a part of something greater than ourselves and we lift their work to you and each person who commits their time to these ministries. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
—Kip Rush
Thank you Lord that you hear our prayers,
That you have overcome the world,
That you hold all of heaven and earth in your loving hands,
And that you have given us the promise of eternity,
In our hearts forever. Amen.
—Nobuko Seki
Thank you, God, for the connection we in this room share with almost 70,000 other believers around the world because we are Cumberland Presbyterians.
Bless the ministries we join together to do in the coming weeks:
- presbytery’s summer camps for youth and children
- Children’s Fest
Bless our ongoing ministries as well:
- new churches starting in more than 10 countries
- the education provided through Bethel University, Memphis Theological Seminary, and the Program of Alternate Studies
- the curriculum and leadership training produced by the Discipleship Ministry Team
- the help for families and children provided through the Children’s Home
- the preservation of our history through the Historical Foundation
- ministering to our 900 ministers through the Pastoral Development Ministry Team
- the relaying of important news through the Communications Ministry Team
- the work of the Ministry Council in coordinating all of this
- and the hundreds of other local and regional ministries carried out by presbyteries, congregations, and individuals who are Cumberland Presbyterian.
Thank you, God, for making us a grassroots denomination, trusting authority only to laypersons and clergy in community. Bless the representatives our 24 presbyteries have elected to be at General Assembly in Oklahoma next week. Reveal your will to them as they gather, and may peace prevail there. [Consider praying for your presbytery’s representatives by name, those names are available in preliminary minutes at] Thank you also for the stated clerk and staff who make sure this meeting runs smoothly.
Thank you, God for a church structure in which no one is ever alone, in which every member affects every other member. May we each, may we all, use that ability to please you and make this Church what you want it to be.
And for any in this room who are not officially members of this congregation, may your Spirit move upon their hearts today, leading them to fully become part of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Amen.
—Andy McClung
You are invited to honor God by returning joyfully God’s tithes and your offerings.
—Robert Rush
Whenever we give at this table, we give to the work of the larger church. And this is not an unhappy burden, but one we accept with thanksgiving, because we can do together what we couldn’t do alone. Let us join the world-wide work of God through our gifts this morning.
—Jamie Lively
Paul was pleased when the saints in Macedonia wanted to give to the saints in Jerusalem. We, too, know the joy of sharing what we have with other believers so that all of us can follow Christ more faithfully. With glad hearts, let us offer our gifts to the Lord.
—Jamie Lively
We show our love for God, as well as our love for God’s people, through our giving so that the world may come to know Christ as Savior and Lord. May we give generously and joyfully.
—Paula Louder
We know that as a part of this congregation, it takes the gifts of every member to keep God’s ministry alive in our community. Likewise, God has made us a part of a larger family, the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, which allows us to minister not just here, but all over the world. Let us bring before God a portion of what we have been blessed to receive so that we may continue to share the good news, both here and beyond.
—Kip Rush
Jesus said: “Ask, and you will receive; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you.” God abounds in love and mercy and welcomes our return. For in Christ, God came to us that we might have abundant life.
—Nobuko Seki
Everything belongs to God. In gratitude, we return to God a portion of the blessings given to us, joining our offerings of time, talents, and resources with the offerings of others to do more ministry than any of us can do alone. Some of what we give today supports the ministries of this congregation, some supports the ministries of our presbytery, and some supports the ministries of our denomination. As you give joyfully, know that what you give reaches far and wide.
—Andy McClung
O God, who has provided for each of us, we give you thanks for the opportunity to share so that people in our communities and throughout the world may be introduced to the gospel. In the holy name of Jesus. Amen.
—Robert Rush
Generous God, we thank you for your love,
unconditional and faithful to the end,
that welcomes us into your reign.
And we rejoice in the privilege of extending that love
to the world in Christ’s name.
Through the gifts we place on this table,
bless the community around us.
Take a portion of it, and through Our United Outreach,
support the work of our larger church:
forming ministers, equipping lay people, starting new congregations,
serving distant neighbors, discipling children, youth, and adults,
preserving our heritage and dreaming our future.
Keep us generous, knowing that all good gifts come from you,
and to you all gifts return;
through Jesus Christ who gave his life for us. Amen.
—Jamie Lively
Glorious God, creator of heaven and earth, accept these gifts we bring to you. Bless and multiply our gifts so you may be glorified and your Church may serve you and make your name known throughout the whole world. We thank you for the opportunity of giving from the abundance that you have given us; may we be faithful stewards in all things. We praise you, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
—Paula Louder
Gracious and loving God, for 206 years, the Cumberland Presbyterian Church has been sharing the gospel with any who will listen. It has taken the commitment of many generations from all over the world to keep this message alive. May these offerings that we bring this day offer one more opportunity to make a difference in a broken world, bringing a message of hope and love through your son, our Lord, Jesus Christ, in whose name we pray. Amen.
—Kip Rush
—Psalms 24:1
The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it.
We praise you, God, for you are gracious. You have loved us from the beginning of time and remember us when we are in trouble.
Your mercy endures forever. Amen.
—Nobuko Seki
Loving God from whom all blessings flow, we thank you for this and for every opportunity to return to you a portion of the blessings you give us. Take what we offer you in this moment, bless it, and join it with the offerings of many others to accomplish more than any of us ever could alone, starting right here and reaching out into the world. Amen.
—Andy McClung
Colossians 3:1-4
If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above and not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is our life appears, then you all will appear with him in glory.
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your Spirit. Now and forever. Amen.
—Robert Rush
Go in peace, remembering while you are at work,
your church is at work, spreading the good news of God’s love.
And now may the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
who makes the church one body,
and the love of God, who speaks many languages,
and the world-wide communion of the Holy Spirit,
be with you and all believers always. Amen.
—Jamie Lively
Taken from verse one of “Lord, You Give the Great Commission.” If the minister is a singer, I suggest he/she sing this to the congregation. Or s/he may give the adapted version below:
The Lord has given us the great commission:
Preach the Word, heal the sick, reach out to those who are hurting.
Lest we, the church, neglect its mission and the gospel go unheard,
I pray you will leave today with renewed integrity
to witness your purpose
and that the Spirit’s gifts will empower you for the work of ministry.
Go in confidence knowing the Lord is with you. Amen.
—Paula Louder
God called the apostles to go and share the good news. They shared that message of hope and encouraged those who listened to go and share as well. Each of us are called to go and do likewise, but we cannot do it alone. Be thankful that we, as a church family, are sharing our gifts with Cumberland Presbyterians all over the world, offering Christ’s love to the farthest reaches. Together, let’s shine some light in this dark and broken world, in the name of Jesus Christ, who calls us. Amen.
—Kip Rush
Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.
—Nobuko Seki
—1 Peter 3:8-9
Be agreeable, be sympathetic, be loving, be compassionate, be humble. That goes for all of you, no exceptions. No retaliation. No sharp-tongued sarcasm. Instead, bless—that’s your job, to bless. You’ll be a blessing and also get a blessing.
As we go from this safe place into the unsafe world,
may you leave different from how you arrived:
closer to God, more appreciative of our denomination and its ministries,
and with the assurance that as a Cumberland Presbyterian you are never alone. Amen.
—Andy McClung