This page provides visitors with a number of ways to obtain images and artwork designed to enhance both digital and print publications for congregations, presbyteries, synods, and other entities of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.
By aiming for consistency in the “look and feel” of our digital and printed presence in the world, we will strengthen the “brand” of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, making it more recognizable and easily identifiable to those unfamiliar with our denomination.
Dimensions: 2289 x 1403 |
Dimensions: 2289 x 1403 |
Dimensions: 1378 x 2153 |
Dimensions: 1378 x 2153 |
Dimensions: 2511 x 3058 |
Dimensions: 2511 x 3058 |
Dimensions: 659 x 519 |
Dimensions: 1963 x 2391 |
Dimensions: 1445 x 1080 |
Dimensions: 890 x 1422 |
Dimensions: 1963 x 2391 |