Christmas Eve
Brim: Creative Overflow in Worship Design
Banner Designs for the Church Year
- The following parts of liturgy marked with an * are part of a variation on a service of light—an opposite of a tenebrae service.
- *The following candles should be placed on a table in the chancel area in preparation for the service. Use a variety of candle lengths and place them on various kinds of fabrics at varying heights for interest. Each candle symbolizes a character in the narrative.Mary, Joseph and Baby candles are placed on a muslin or burlap fabric in the center of the table.
- Mary—a light blue candle in simple ceramic candleholder
- Joseph—a royal blue candle in simple ceramic candleholder, can be similar or identical to Mary’s
- Baby Jesus—a simple, clear round candleholder with white votive candle
- The angels—yellow candles placed in crystal candleholders on a glittery gold fabric directly behind the Mary and Joseph candles. One is taller than the others—this is the Gabriel candle.
- The shepherds—a variety of shades of green, placed in wooden candleholders on a green shade of fabric. These are placed to the left of the angel candles.
- The kings—a variety of shades of purple, placed in silver candlesticks on a fabric of red velvet. These are placed to the right of the angel candles.
*Rejoice, for God is with us—Emmanuel.
In the darkness of our world shines God’s holy light.
Now there is reason to hope, to love, to laugh, to live.
God is truly with us. We are not alone.
Thanks be to God!
*Gracious God,
With joy and thanksgiving we gather as your people.
We have come to hear again the timeless story of Christ’s birth.
In the excitement of this night, quiet our hearts
that we may know the peace and fullness of this holy time.
Shine, O Light, in the darkness of our world.
Sing, O angels, in the stillness of our hearts,
“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those God favors.”
This we pray in the name of the Child of Bethlehem. Amen.
- O Come, All Ye Faithful*
- O Little Town of Bethlehem*
- Silent Night*
- Joy to the World*
*We are all born into the darkness of sin because of our forebears. That is why it is important to repent of our sins. This act is symbolic of taking a step out of the darkness into the glorious light of a life in relationship with God. Let us pray.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
*God of our faith, we admit we like to lurk in the darkness because in the dark all our wrongdoings are hidden or so we think. Everything is as light to you. God of love, we admit that we have not loved others as we should and for that we are sorry. You are the source of all love. God of hope, as we lay our transgressions before you, we are hopeful that in admitting our wrongs that we will be washed clean so we will shine as the brightest sunlight. You give us hope. God of joy, hear our prayer of confession and make us joyfully clean again. You bring us joy at this season and always. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
*Hear the good news. The God of faith, love, hope and joy has heard our confession and has accepted it as an offering of contrition. Friends, believe the good news. We are forgiven. Together let us walk into the light. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
*Have the lights ever gone out at your house? Maybe there was a storm and the electricity went out. Or maybe your parents turned your lights out in your room before you were ready for them to go out. How do you feel when the lights are out and you are sitting in the darkness? (scared, frustrated, mad, etc). As Christians we believe that Jesus is the light of the world! Not that he was actually a flame that has to be lit or turned on. He is the person that shows us the way to live. He shines a light in our heads so when we read the Bible, it makes what we are reading easier to understand. Have you ever seen a picture of a person with a lightbulb above their head? That shows that they understand or have an idea. Jesus is also a light in our lives in this way.
All of those feelings we have when the light goes out? Jesus helps to shine a light on them so we won’t be so scared or frustrated or mad. Because we can see how to fix it. We might get a real candle and its light makes us feel better. Or instead of a candle what else could we get to light our way (a flashlight, a lantern, etc.)? Or we might close our eyes and go to sleep because we need our sleep in order to have energy to run and play and think and sing.
Today we are celebrating Jesus coming to this world as the light of the world. Every Sunday we bring the light into our sanctuary and that reminds us that Jesus is with us. We also take it out of the sanctuary and that reminds us that Jesus goes out into the world with us. We can all be lights in the world by showing others how to live a good life—to be kind, to be helpful, to be loving, all the things Jesus taught us to be. Let us thank God for sending Jesus down to earth on Christmas.
God of light, we thank you that you sent your son down to earth to teach us how to live and be. Help us to share our light with others by being kind, and helpful and loving to our family, friends and people we don’t even know. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
*God of all things good, as the psalmist says, be a lamp to our feet so we may hear the word and be enlightened by it. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
*(People are seated — all lights are dimmed — DARKNESS except altar candles, Chrismon tree and Advent wreath candles)
The Lighting of the Christ Candle
The Coming of Jesus Is Announced to Mary and Joseph (Matthew 1:18-25)
(Meditation: Gabriel candle and Mary and Joseph candles are lighted.)
Hymn of Love O Little Town of Bethlehem
Jesus is Born (Luke 2:6-7)
(Meditation: The Baby Jesus candle is lighted.)
Jesus’ Birth is Announced to the Shepherds (Luke 2:9-14)
(Meditation: The angel candles are lighted.)
The Shepherds Find the Baby Jesus (Luke 2:15-18)
(Meditation: The shepherd candles are lighted.)
The Wise Men Bring Their Gifts to Jesus (Matthew 2:1-11)
(Meditation: The king candles are lighted.)
*Ask the congregation to respond to those for which you pray with “God shine your light on your people.”
God, we come to you today wanting to shine a light on the people that need you most. We ask that as we name them, out loud or in our hearts, that you will let them see your light and know that you are with them.
- We pray for this congregation—those that are celebrating new life and joys, and those grieving deaths and illnesses…
- We pray for this community—those that attend our church, those who attend other churches and those who have not found you…
- We pray for our presbytery, our synod and our denomination—those who serve as staff and volunteers to work on our behalf even if we do not know them by name…
- We pray for this country and other countries—those leaders that promote your peace and unity and even those who do evil in the world; give them the conviction to do your will whether they are willing or not…
- We pray for ourselves—those things that we have done that are pleasing to you and things that we are sorry for. Give us your peace in all things…
God, we come to you today thankful for your gift of Jesus Christ to the world. Let us always be mindful that this gift did not come freely, but was a sacrifice for us. With hearts that sing out your praises for the light. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
*What can we bring that will be sufficient for the Prince of Peace? We can bring what we have, a gift that represents our work, our talents, our lives. Let us receive these tithes and offerings to spread God’s light throughout the world through their ministry.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
*So bring him incense, gold, and myrrh, come, peasant, king, to own Him.
The King of Kings salvation brings. Let loving hearts enthrone Him.
This, this is Christ the King whom shepherds guard and angels sing.
Haste, haste to bring him laud the Babe, the Son of Mary.
*Just as Jesus is the light, we are also lights.
Not to hide under a bushel basket, or behind someone else’s light, but to shine proudly for all the world to see.
Now go in the name of God, the creator-light, source of all light,
God, the savior-light, lifted up for all to see,
and God, the spark-light, that lives within our hearts to guide us in our ministry in the world.
Go shine! Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown