1May 16, 2023
Donnie Bruce Tomes, 74 of Big Reedy community in the northwest corner of Edmonson County, Kentucky, died May 13, 2023. Donnie was saved as a 10-year-old boy at Mount Pleasant Cumberland Presbyterian Church (Cumberland Presbytery) near Caneyville, where he became an elder in 1974.
3Nov 30, 2020
Registration for Service is over. If you registered you should receive an email with Zoom link (check spam/junk). If you didn’t receive link email nwheeler@cumberland.org You are welcome to watch live tonight at https://www.facebook.com/cpcym starting at 7PM Central.
4May 5, 2020
Malcolm Hazelwood, 84, of the Flat Creek Community in Tennessee, died on Monday, April 27, 2020. He was a member of the Ash Hill Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Columbia Presbytery where he served as a Deacon, then as an Elder. He was retired from the Williamson County Health Department. Read more: https://www.murfreesboropost.com/obituaries/malcolm-hazelwood/article_1ac5fb60-8db3-11ea-9f51-0740f0fc93da.html
5Apr 13, 2020
Tim Goodloe, husband of the Reverend Melissa Reid Goodloe, has tested positive for Covid-19 and is manifesting fairly mild flu-like symptoms. Melissa, as of yet, has no symptoms but both she and Tim are quarantined at home. Melissa has a history of lung issues. They request prayers from the denomination. Melissa is pastor of Bethel […]
6Apr 3, 2020
The global Covid-19 pandemic has been the cause of a fast-paced evolution for churches. The pandemically popularized catch phrase of “social distancing” has pushed Cumberland Presbyterians to socially and spiritually connect in creative ways. Particularly, the live-streaming of Cumberland Presbyterian worship has grown significantly. However, I fear many have jumped into these new ventures without […]
7Mar 18, 2020
The Presbytery of East Tennessee will not meet on April 4th; a new date will be determined after more is known about when it is safe to gather, but I am certain it will not be for at least seven more weeks. This information from the Rev. Mike Wilkinson, Ministry Council President and member of […]
8Mar 12, 2020
Paul writes in 1 Thessalonians 3 “may the Lord make you increase and abound in love to one another and to all….” Once again we are at the heart of stewardship. The favorite Bible verse for Cumberland Presbyterians through the years has been John 3:16, which portrays God’s love for us as the basis of […]
9Mar 4, 2020
In the early hours of March 3, 2020, middle Tennessee awakened to the frightening sounds of several tornadoes and their devastation. Although none of the Cumberland Presbyterian Churches or Cumberland Presbyterian Churches in America in the affected area were physically damaged, many lives have been affected by this tragedy. Many have asked, “How can […]
10Aug 19, 2019
Here are three lessons (including powerpoints) on Family. These lessons were written by Rev. Taylor Young from Clarksville CPC Lesson 1: Family- What does it look like? The purpose of this lesson is to have youth identify what a family is by Jesus’ definition. Then apply this definition to their context and expand their view […]