81Jan 22, 2020
What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus? It means that with our lips we confess that Jesus is the Messiah, the One who has come to deliver us from the bondage of our sin. And with our lives we demonstrate that, indeed, we have been freed from the power and lust of […]
82Jan 15, 2020
In the two stories found in Luke 10:38-42 and John 12:1-8, we see two different pictures of love for Jesus. In the first story, Martha is busy preparing an elaborate meal for Jesus. In the second, Judas Iscariot says that Mary’s perfume could have been sold and the money used for the poor. Mary, on […]
83Jan 1, 2020
God’s salvation and redemption of our sinful world will not be fast and easy. God’s redemption is not something happens “out there” nor is it only for a few. It will be complete. Governments, political and economic systems, social structures will be exposed for their inability to make a safe and free world and will […]
84Jul 19, 2018
When I was an expectant mother, like many expectant mothers, I became very concerned about the responsibility of my condition and was particularly conscious of my diet. Expectant mothers start taking note of the nutritional value of what we are eating. We want maximum nutrition for our unborn child. Multi-vitamins provide the minimum daily requirements […]