21Apr 7, 2021
Reflect When fear drove the disciples behind closed doors in John 20:19-29, Jesus came to them with words of peace and comfort. But that’s not all. Jesus also brought a challenge. The great joy of the disciples upon seeing Jesus was followed by the injunction to receive the Holy Spirit and become a community of […]
22Mar 31, 2021
Reflect John’s resurrection narrative (John 19:16-18, 28-30, 20:11-18) is an appropriate text for Easter Sunday. Our annual celebration of this central Christian event is characterized by unfettered rejoicing, full of triumphant hymns, banners, and blooming lilies. This gospel writer’s record of Jesus’ first post-resurrection appearance to Mary Magdalene, however, is shrouded in mystery and the […]
23Mar 24, 2021
Reflect Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman must be counted as one of the loveliest recorded in the gospels. Despite centuries of animosity between Jews and Samaritans, Jesus reaches out to the woman with a request: “Give me a drink.” From this most basic of all requests springs a conversation that reveals the torment of […]
24Mar 17, 2021
Reflect Much has been made of Nicodemus’ visit to Jesus under cover of darkness. The church has seen this as a sign that the learned Pharisee feared his interest in the controversial Jesus’ message being discovered. That may well be the case. Nevertheless, the fact that Nicodemus visited Jesus at all reflects some degree of […]
25Mar 10, 2021
Reflect It’s safe to assume that John the Baptizer’s ministry had drawn the not altogether favorable attention of the religious community in Jerusalem. Why else would they have sent emissaries to question John’s identity in John 1:19-34? It may be true as well that the religious leaders did not seriously consider that John may actually […]
26Mar 3, 2021
Reflect How do you know who God is? How do you know what God is like? Christians affirm that our best way of answering these is a resounding “Look at Jesus Christ!” Indeed, it is in Jesus’ life with God, his ministry of love, his confrontation with, and triumph over death that we find our […]
27Feb 24, 2021
Reflect As we move further into the future, we can look back on amazing developments in humanity’s knowledge and power. We can also see the tragic consequences of the abuse of that knowledge and power. How can we find things for which to be hopeful as we begin a new year? We hear all kinds […]
28Feb 17, 2021
Reflect Former President Jimmy Carter has gained a reputation as a mediator, working to resolve conflicts between nations, political ideologies and his own Southern Baptist denomination. His political background, as well as his own character and personality, made it possible for him to convince warring factions to sit down together and work out their differences. […]
29Feb 3, 2021
Reflect It is very easy these days to lose respect for those in high places, who often disappoint us by their civic irresponsibility or personal misconduct. It is hard for us to accept the fact that God wants us to respect and honor these people. Indeed, we are even to pray for them and wish […]
30Jan 27, 2021
Reflect We consider ourselves “good” people, because of things we don’t do. No one could fault the Athenians in Acts 17:22-34 for doing all the good things. Yet Paul said they needed to repent. The first step in any relationship with God is repentance. The word means “to turn around.” We are to be genuinely […]