1151Sep 1, 2015
Like many of us, I’ve watched with a little interest as the 2016 presidential campaign season unfolds and gathers some steam. And, like most folks who pay close attention, I suspect, my reactions to what I’ve seen could at various times be characterized as amusement, disappointment, anger, incredulity, admiration, revulsion, astonishment, and, to be honest, […]
1152Aug 1, 2015
The meeting of the 185th General Assembly is history now, and what a wonderful and significant piece of history it will be for future Cumberland Presbyterians. It might be a stretch to say that Cali, Colombia will never be the same for having hosted the 200-300 Cumberland Presbyterians of multiple nationalities who were able to […]
1153Jul 1, 2015
By the time you read this post, our 185th General Assembly will have been gaveled to a close. While we who are employed at the denominational Center are still in the preparation stages as I write this, I’m anticipating that when all is said and done, this Assembly may be considered one of the best […]
1154Jun 1, 2015
A lot of church newsletters cross my desk each week. A lot of them. Believe it or not, I enjoy receiving them, and read almost every one from front to back before passing them along to my colleagues. Their contents have inspired a number of articles—and even a handful of editorials—through the years, so they […]
1155May 1, 2015
The New Testament tells us that in the days following his execution at the hands of those for whom political, social, and economic power had become more important than God, many of Jesus’ followers became acutely aware of his presence among them. As they wandered about in despair, wondering if the hope of freedom from […]
1156Apr 1, 2015
6 I gave my back to those who struck me and my cheeks to those who pulled out my beard; I did not hide my face from insult and spitting. 7 The Lord GOD helps me; therefore I have not been disgraced; therefore I have set my face like flint, and I know that I shall not […]
1157Aug 26, 2013
The Ministry Council met Saturday and Sunday, August 24-25, 2013, at Fogelman Executive Conference Center, Memphis, TN, in both joint and concurrent sessions with the Ministry Teams. An Orientation was held on Friday afternoon, August 23, for new Ministry Council and Elected Ministry Team Members. Participated in a fellowship dinner for Ministry Council Members Friday […]