News briefs from around the Cumberland Presbyterian Church and the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America.
1111Oct 3, 2019
A Pink Tea event honoring survivors of female cancers will be held Sunday, October 6, 2019, at 2:00 PM at Bethel Cumberland Presbyterian Church (CPCA), 408 East Alabama Street, Florence. The event is sponsored by Susan Bentley WHNP-BC, DSC and Options Wellness Center along with the Shoals Community and the American Cancer Society.
1112Oct 3, 2019
Sadie Aileen Sullivan, 96, of Fayetteville, Tennessee, died September 28, 2019. She was a member of the Fayetteville Cumberland Presbyterian Church (Columbia Presbytery). She was born on July 20, 1923 in Lincoln County, Tennessee.
1113Oct 3, 2019
Fayetteville Cumberland Presbyterian Church (Columbia Presbytery) celebrates 50 years at their Lewisburg Highway location on Sunday, October 27, 2019, with a special service at 10:30 AM followed by a catered meal in their fellowship hall. The congregation was established in Fayetteville in 1829.
1114Feb 1, 2017
Most of us can remember events in our lifetimes that were so profound in their effect on us that we’ll always remember exactly where we were and what we were doing when the events occurred. That day in 1963 when President Kennedy, C. S. Lewis, and Aldous Huxley all died within hours of each other […]
1115Aug 26, 2013
The Ministry Council met Saturday and Sunday, August 24-25, 2013, at Fogelman Executive Conference Center, Memphis, TN, in both joint and concurrent sessions with the Ministry Teams. An Orientation was held on Friday afternoon, August 23, for new Ministry Council and Elected Ministry Team Members. Participated in a fellowship dinner for Ministry Council Members Friday […]