What a curious situation to find yourself in if you are Joseph. You’re a slave, sitting in a dungeon in chains. One day you show an aptitude for dream interpretation, and suddenly you are transported from bondage into a powerful position just beneath the ruler. Joseph could have tried to use his gift as a bargaining chip, but he didn’t. By offering his understanding of Pharaoh’s troublesome dreams, he helped save the kingdom from an impending famine. He was rewarded not just with freedom, but by being made Pharaoh’s right-hand man.
We can learn much from Joseph’s story. But using the gifts God gave us we can improve things for others and for ourselves. Sometimes we feel others are smarter or more talented or have more to offer than we do. But each of us has a talent or a kind of understanding that is valuable and unique. And when we share our gifts, whatever they are, all those around us benefit from our generosity—us included.
This idea is often difficult for us to grasp, because we have listened for too long to the nay-saying voice of our interior critic. But our own understanding of a situation may be the key to solving a problem that stumps everyone else. Our particular talent may be just what someone needs to handle what had previously seemed like an impossible situation. By remaining in a prayerful state of mind, aware of God’s presence and our ability to do God’s work, we are receptive to the “call” as it arises. Thus we can be of service whenever and wherever God needs us.
—Carol Penn-Romine
- Why do you think Joseph was so uniquely fitted with the gift of dream interpretation?
- Do you know anyone who seems to have a great deal to offer but who does not know it? How can you help that person see how gifted he or she is?
- Have you ever been called to do something that you didn’t feel equipped to do? How did you respond to the call?
- Write a list of your talents. You probably have more than you realize. Think about any hobby or activity you enjoy and what energies you use when you are involved in those activities. These aptitudes probably could be listed as talents, so be sure to include those on your list. Thank God for your talents.
- If you honestly can’t’ find anything to write on your list of talents, pray to God to show you where your abilities lie and how you can best use them to serve. Thank God for your talents and ask for guidance in using them wisely.
- Look around your community and see what opportunities there are to serve. Decide where you can use your talents best and volunteer, even if you only have a couple of hours to spare each week.
Photo by Sebastian Bill on Unsplash
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