Let yourself become open to God and the knowledge that comes from the Word. Ask God for a peace at this time.
Hebrews 10:32-39 (NRSV)
But recall those earlier days when, after you had been enlightened, you endured a hard struggle with sufferings, sometimes being publicly exposed to abuse and persecution, and sometimes being partners with those so treated. For you had compassion for those who were in prison, and you cheerfully accepted the plundering of your possessions, knowing that you yourselves possessed something better and more lasting. Do not, therefore, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward. For you need endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised. For yet
“in a very little while,
the one who is coming will come and will not delay;
but my righteous one will live by faith.
My soul takes no pleasure in anyone who shrinks back.”
But we are not among those who shrink back and so are lost, but among those who have faith and so are saved.
Several months ago, my children and I were involved in a multi-car accident. As passersby stopped to help, we were momentarily separated while being taken to safety. Upon our reunion, my tearful and visibly shaken daughter grabbed my hand and said, “Mom, we need to pray. We just need to pray!” So, there amidst the chaos…the sirens…the questions, we paused, joined hands, and prayed. I don’t remember all of the details following the accident, but that moment remains a very vivid reminder that during the scary, hard, difficult, and uncertain times in our life, it is our faith that keeps us strong. We must not abandon it, but cling to it and live by it.
My recent moment of distress does not compare to the persecution referred to in the above passage from Hebrews, but it does relate to how we should respond in times of uncertainty. I know that my life as a Christian does not make me immune to sufferings; yet it is because I am a Christian that I can approach these difficult moments with faith in the One who has saved me. My daughter’s immediate response in prayer was grounded in her need to find the peace and calmness that only God can provide. May we all remember to live by faith, hold strong to our beliefs, and never shrink back.
God, some days we struggle. Some days our lives are filled with uncertainties, heartaches, and difficulties. Help us to remember that on those days you carry us. Through our faith in you, we have confidence and assurance of our salvation. Amen.
Go with God.
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