As you quiet yourself for this brief time, be willing to be open to God in whatever way that may take place.
Col 1:9-14 In today’s world, it is a lot more common to give critique than encouragement. It is so easy to see faults in people and point out the shortcomings of others. The news media is notorious for this. They look to point out many negative things because it sells. However, when the news is wrong or they make a mistake, they give their retraction during the least watched broadcast and put it on the back page of the paper. This is part of the rhetorical methods to lift up people, but there seems to be a genuineness in Paul’s words and sometimes the best way to critique someone and to have them really hear you is to lift up their good points first. Because, if all you do is critique and naysay then it is a hard bitter pill to swallow and it does not show that you even heard the other person. Here Paul is trying to build up. Because if people know and are known by Christ, they have a light and hope which through Christ we are forgiven and He gives us an inheritance in the kingdom of God. There is a lot that people do to tear each other down. Let us build up one another in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Dear LORD help us to see the best in people to give people the benefit of doubt and to share the hope we have in you through the lifesaving sacrifice of your Son and the power given us by the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Go with God.
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