Presbytery for the Mid-South met with Medina Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Medina, Tennessee, March 4, 2023.
Elder Mark Maddox (Dresden CPC) served as moderator and the Reverend Byron Forester served as vice moderator. Rev. Dr. Jay Earhart-Brown was appointed parliamentarian. Elder Lynn Tucker was elected assistant stated clerk.
Presbytery heard from the following denominational representatives: General Assembly Moderator Rev. Mike Wilkinson and Cindy Martin from CP Resources.
Approved the closure of Pleasant Grove Cumberland Presbyterian Church per their request, and stipulated session records and other historical materials be turned over to the Historical Foundation for archival purposes. The successor of Pleasant Grove Cumberland Presbyterian Church be permitted to retain the church and cemetery. Appointed the Presbyterial Board of Trustees as a commission to address issues associated with the closure.
Candidates Gwen Warren and Claire Little were licensed.
New Salem Cumberland Presbyterian Church granted permission to sell the 2.6 acre unimproved tract in their possession.
Committees of Presbytery for the Mid-South having been established, (Congregational Care and Community Building, Imagination and Hospitality, Discipleship Ministry, Committee on Ministry,
Finance and Benefits) the Steering Committee was dissolved.
The matter of a permanent name for Presbytery for the Mid-South was referred to the Imagination and Hospitality Committee.
Rev. Dr. Brittany Meeks was elected to represent Presbytery for the Mid-South at the called April 2023 meeting of Synod of Great Rivers with Rev. Jenny Muraya to serve as alternate. Elder Chris Smith from Brunswick Cumberland Presbyterian Church was elected to serve as a representative to Synod of Great Rivers with Elder Linda Tochen from Colonial Cumberland Presbyterian Church to serve as the alternate.
Presbytery clarified that alternate Elder Vicki Summers (Shiloh CPC) will serve as the Elder commissioner to the 2023 meeting of General Assembly and alternate Rev. Laura Todd will serve as the Minister commissioner to the 2023 meeting of General Assembly. The Discipleship Ministry Team was tasked by the Moderator to find a Youth Advisory Delegate (YAD) for the 2023 meeting of General Assembly.
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