Let yourself become open to God and the knowledge that comes from the Word. Ask God for peace at this time.
12 Indeed, the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing until it divides soul from spirit, joints from marrow; it is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
Bible literacy is at an all-time low among churchgoers. According to a study from Purdue University, less than 30% of church-going Christians do not read their Bible outside of church services. That is a scary stat. Another scary stat is that people in society have changed their views of the Bible. It used to be that people, whether they were Christians or not Christians understood the Bible as “The Good Book.” Today that has changed. According to Barna research, not only does society believe that the Bible is irrelevant, but also believes the Bible is harmful to society. Here is an excerpt from the Barna website, “Even in just the few years Barna has been conducting “State of the Bible” interviews, the percent of Americans who believe that the Bible is “just another book written by men” increases. So too, does the perception that the Bible is actually harmful and that people who live by its principles are religious extremists.” Bible Engagement in a New World – Barna Group
Some of this can be understood by believing Jesus’ promise, “In this world, you will have trouble.” It makes perfect sense that some would think the Bible is evil and trouble to our culture. Because it is supposed to be. We are aliens in this world. But, another cause is the way Christians, who do not have a deep faith and understanding of the Bible, use the Bible as a weapon against those who disagree with us.
We proclaim and live out biblical principles with grace and love. It is the Bible, not the Christian, that is the double edge sword. The sum of the Bible is that God loves sinners, and we love our neighbor. We must be mature enough to display that in our lives and trust in the work of the Holy Spirit to draw people to Christ.
Lord, Help us to learn your word. Help us to digest it so that we are mature enough to live grace-filled and boldly in the world. Help us to be a light to those in darkness. Prepare our hearts and the hearts of those we encounter to receive Your word. Amen.
Go with God!
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