Through Discovery, Discernment, Development, and Discussion, the ENGAGE process was developed. Rev. Dr. Chris Fleming (Adult Ministries, Discipleship Ministry Team) and Rev. Kristi Lounsbury (Congregational Ministries, Missions Ministry Team) work together to serve local congregations desiring to ENGAGE. The ENGAGE process was launched in January 2022.
The foundational goal of ENGAGE is to increase the vitality of congregations within the CPC. Although ENGAGE is customizable to any ministry situation, it will assist congregations in developing a contextual and effective ministry specific to their environment. The Ministry Council desires to assist the denomination in any opportunity a congregation has or wants to explore. The design of the ENGAGE program assists churches in discovering their calling to become a thriving congregation. ENGAGE is a ground-up, congregation initiative, approach providing resources, information, and guidance for congregations to thrive in their communities.
The key activities of ENGAGE include:
Discovery – the beginning stages of interviews, determining eligibility and learning the history of the congregation and surrounding community.
Discernment – involves the congregation’s ability to explore their spiritual gifts and experience a discernment process for moving forward.
Development – includes the implementation of initiatives, programs, trainings, and anything else to support the congregation on the journey to becoming a thriving congregation.
Discussion – provides documenting, evaluating, and continuing the conversation of the thriving congregation through follow-up and discussion.