Membership Endowments
A Living Reality
Membership Endowment Application – make checks payable to “Missions Ministry Team” and mail them to 8207 Traditional Place, Cordova, TN 38016
A Living Reality Brochure – In 1924, Mrs. Eva Hughs of Missouri, a pioneer and courageous worker who had labored sacrificially for the cause of missions, became concerned that her life would soon be spent and she would no longer be able to serve. The banks were then paying 4% on time deposits. So she wrote the Board of Missions and asked where she might place $30.00 on a time deposit to assure that the accruing interest of $1.20 per year might perpetuate her dues.
As a result of the letter, Convention’s Future Work Committee recommended that any individual who contributed $30.00 to be placed on interest by the Board would become a Perpetual Member of the missionary organization. At that Convention (which met in Austin, Texas, in 1924) Mrs. J. T. Slaton presented her mother, Mrs. L. M. Woosley, with the first Perpetual Membership. A motion then carried to make Mrs. Hughs a Perpetual Member by a freewill offering of the Convention.
Thus, Mrs. Hugh’s letter has resulted in hundreds of Perpetual Memberships. The earnings from the fund established by these are used in helping to send the Gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth.
Other Endowed Memberships
The Patron Membership Fund was established in 1964 to encourage and challenge Cumberland Presbyterians enjoying the progress and growing economy of America to give to missions an amount that would reflect that growth.
Six Patron Memberships were bestowed during 1964-1965. this initial and significant beginning provided the incentive for others to respond in making this program a successful venture in Christian stewardship.
The origin of the Golden Patron Membership was first suggested by Mrs. Nancy McClung, Birmingham, Alabama, in 1977. Upon recommendation of the CPW Executive Committee and with the approval of the Convention and the Board of Missions in 1978, the Golden Patron Membership was established. The 100th anniversary of the first organized women’s ministry in the church seemed to be an appropriate time to present the first memberships. Therefore, the first Golden Patron Memberships were presented at the 1980 Convention meeting in Evansville, Indiana. The eighty women, living and deceased, represented a combined total of more than 4,00 years of service to the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.
The origin of the Silver Patron Membership was suggested by Mrs. Lucille Butler, Memphis, Tennessee, in 1991. Upon recommendation of the CPW Executive Committee and with the approval of the Convention and the Board of Missions in 1992, the Sliver Patron Membership was established. Mrs. Butler received the first one at the 1992 CPW Convention.
The Diamond Perpetual Membership was recommended by the 1996-1997 CPW Executive Committee and approved by the 1997 Convention. The first Diamond Perpetual memberships were presented in 1997.
What is a ….
Perpetual Membership?
On payment of $30 into the Perpetual Membership Endowment Fund by an individual or a group of individuals, one may become a Perpetual Member and receive a certificate of recognition from the Missions Ministry Team.
Diamond Perpetual Membership?
On payment of $50 into the Diamond Perpetual Membership Endowment Fund by an individual or a group of individuals, one may become a Diamond Perpetual Member and receive a certificate of recognition from the Missions Ministry Team, provided the person meets the criteria.
Patron Membership?
On payment of $100 into the Patron Membership Endowment Fund by an individual or a group of individuals, one may become a Patron Member and receive a certificate of recognition from the Missions Ministry Team.
Silver Patron Membership?
On payment of $125 into the Silver Patron Membership Endowment Fund by an individual or a group of individuals, a woman may become a Silver Patron Member and receive a certificate of recognition from the Missions Ministry Team, provided the person meets the criteria.
Golden Patron Membership?
On payment of $150 into the Golden Patron Membership Endowment Fund by an individual or a group of individuals, a woman may become a Golden Patron Member and receive a certificate of recognition from the Missions Ministry Team, provided the person meets the criteria.
Why Give and Who May Receive…
Perpetual or Patron Membership?
As in all endowment giving, people who are currently enjoying the peace of mind, the joy, and the economic tax advantage, are offered an opportunity to make a gift that will become a living reality. The money is placed in an endowment fund and only the income is used for the mission program of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Perpetual and Patron Memberships are available for all people who are concerned about strengthening and sustaining mission work, either living or deceased.
Diamond Perpetual Membership?
The purpose of the Diamond Perpetual Membership is to recognize women who have served the church faithfully for a period of 10 years or more. The Diamond Perpetual Membership is available to all people who are concerned about strengthening and sustaining mission work, either living or deceased.
Silver Patron Membership?
The purpose of the Silver Patron Membership is to recognize women who have served the church faithfully, but have joined the church later in life, making it virtually impossible to reach the age of eligibility for the Golden Patron Membership. Silver Patron Membership is available to women who have served 25 years or more in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church or women’s ministry. The person may be living or deceased.
Golden Patron Membership?
The purpose of the Golden Patron Membership is to recognized and honor those women who have served the church faithfully. Many women have served quietly and effectively, without fanfare, or the greater portion of their lives, but have received little recognition. Through the presentation of the Golden Patron Membership, the person honored will make a perpetual contribution to the work of the Missions Ministry Team in keeping with the personal contribution the person made within her lifetime. the Golden Patron Membership is available to women who have served 50 years or more in the Cumberland Presbyterian church or women’s ministry. A memorial membership may be given to honor women now deceased.
Distinct Advantages of Membership Endowments
- The making of a gift and seeing the results of the gift become a lasting reality.
- Providing immediate income for mission work in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.
- Helping sustain the mission program in the years to come.
- Requires only a small part of one’s accumulated possessions.
- The Perpetual, Diamond Perpetual and Patron Memberships are open to all members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. The Silver Patron is open to a woman who has served 25 years or more in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. The Golden Patron Membership is open only to women who have served 50 years or more in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church or women’s ministry of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.
- Membership Endowment may be made to recognize leadership and service in the local church, presbytery/region, synod, General Assembly, and Convention.
- All memberships may be established in memory of loved ones.