Pay attention to the tension in your body. Let go of it and any expectations to do anything other than God’s will today. Prepare yourself to hear God’s word.
It’s midnight in a Roman prison, and there’s a song in the air.
I don’t know what song they’re singing, but I know who they’re singing about. And I know that, like good “frozen chosen” Presbyterians, it’s unlikely they are clapping or raising their hands as they sing…because their hands are chained to the wall!
Whatever they are singing is the just-right hymn for this ‘wrong place and wrong time’ worship service, because everyone in the prison is engaged. This worship experience is so amazing, so exciting, so compelling, so all-consuming, so deeply true and right that no one wants it to end: not when the earthquake comes; not when the doors rattle open; not even when the chains slip from their anchors on the walls.
They are free. It is an answer to prayer, a miracle, a story these men will tell for the rest of their lives…but no one moves a muscle. That’s a miracle, too.
Have you ever had such a deep experience of God’s presence that nothing else mattered? Take time to reflect on one of those experiences.
Lord, in good times and bad, I can count on Your presence.
Everywhere, all the time: You are always with me.
I just don’t always notice.
I am so easily distracted
by immediate concerns and obligations,
by worries and dreams about the future,
by anxiety about the past.
Open my eyes, Lord, to experience Your presence—
right here and right now—
and I will praise You!
Go with God!
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