Slow your breathing and become aware of the taking in and letting out of your breath. Focus on putting things aside so you will be open to what God is saying to you today.
15 Be careful then how you live, not as unwise people but as wise, 16 making the most of the time, because the days are evil. 17 So do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. 18 Do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery; but be filled with the Spirit, 19 as you sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, singing and making melody to the Lord in your hearts, 20 giving thanks to God the Father at all times and for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
When Duawn and I first began our parenting journey, little did we know that it would be with three very wonderful and very special girls. Like almost all new parents with the first child, everything is documented, down to the exact tooth, to the first baby shower gift. And then with the second, you slack a little and by the third, there isn’t a baby book in sight. Or maybe I’m the only one who did this.
After having our second child, Duawn and I moved to a new town and we faced the challenges of having two children under the age of two. Little did I know the challenges I would face with our third child, from pregnancy to birth. Our oldest two were seven and five years old when we announced our pregnancy. Fast forward to when I was six months pregnant. Duawn had injured his foot, we didn’t think it was too serious. Maybe he just needed to rest for a couple of weeks and all would be well. Those couple of weeks turned into months with no answers from numerous doctors, x-rays, and MRI’s. His injury had taken a turn for the worst and the pressure on his healthy foot caused a stress-fracture, leaving him wheel-chair bound. We were a sight for sore eyes; almost nine months pregnant and helping my husband maneuver in a wheelchair. During those months, I was the sole caretaker; I took both girls to dance, softball, piano, school, and everything in between. My saving grace came when my mom called to say she was coming to stay to help us out. I cried tears of joy! Looking back at that year taught me how to look for the joy- it was hard, but it was there even before my mama came to help me. It was in my two girls that pushed me to be a better mom and in Duawn to be the wife he needed, in sickness and in health.
Lord, may we seek to find joy even though it might be in places we don’t expect.
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