The Reverand Fhanor Pejendino (Cauca Valley Presbytery), a Cumberland Presbyterian pastor and missionary to Guatemala, died February 2, 2021, after a struggle with COVID-19.
Fhanor and his wife, Socorro, are a Colombian Cumberland Presbyterian clergy couple working as missionaries. While visiting their home in Colombia over the Christmas holiday they both contracted COVID-19. Socorro recovered, but Fhanor had complications and was placed on a ventilator while in Pasto, Colombia. In the past few days, his condition seemed to improve but he suddenly took a turn for the worse.
Fhanor pastored in the Armenia Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and later served as a successful church planter in Tulua. The Pejendinos moved from Tulua, Colombia, to Guatemala City, Guatemala, to be Cumberland Presbyterian missionaries in March 2014. Fhanor and Socorro provided pastoral leadership to the Comunidad de Fe Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and worked with Nueva Esperanza new church development in Guatemala City.
This article is incomplete. More information will be added as it becomes available.
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