As you quiet yourself for this brief time, be willing to be open to God, however that may take place.
Mark 5: 1-20
One of my childhood chores was filling up the automatic feeders with feed for our pigs. I never did like that job and I liked the pigs even less but no time for all of that today.
I read this scripture where Jesus casts the demons out of a man into 2,000 pigs that would later drown in a river. For some strange unknown reason, I had compassion for those pigs.
However, like most of Jesus’ healing accounts a person can become sidetracked by all the details and happenings of a story.
So before we do that, I believe it is important for us to remember a quote I heard from Frank Ward about our text, “something happens when Jesus shows up.”
It certainly does in this story. I don’t know about anyone else but I ready for Jesus to show up in the Church, I am ready for a miracle, this pandemic has taken its toll on me.
Will you join with me and be on the lookout for Jesus. Remember when “Jesus shows up, something happens.” Amen and Amen!
God, we thank You that You when we need You or a miracle, whether this miracle is for our life or the life of the church that when You show up, something happens. Amen
Go with God!
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