As you quiet yourself for this brief time, be willing to be open to God in whatever way that may take place.
Mark 3:13-19
Those of us that run a business probably know this feeling that Jesus experienced during this passage…There is too much work, I need some help. This is a nice problem to have. A few verses before this passage, Jesus healed a man with a withered hand on a Sabbath and some of the crowd wanted to kill him, while others kept wanting him to heal them too. He needed some help.
Many churches in my experience, especially ones that have a small membership, tend to look to the pastor to help the church grow. While this is part of what a pastor can do, he/she can not do it alone. We the members of the church are to go out, just as the disciples did, and bring people in. God gives us the skills to do his work. We often shrug the responsibility onto someone else. Are we just as stubborn as the Pharisees and Herodians who did not want to answer Jesus’s question of whether or not to heal on the Sabooth? We should be asking for help as the amount of work is huge!
Heavenly Father, Forgive us when we are stubborn. Give us the courage to speak up for you as you have trained us just like the original twelve disciples. In your Son’s name we pray. Amen.
Go with God!
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