By now, many presbyteries have met but we only have a summary of actions for publication from just a few. Please, if you have not already reported, do so at your earliest convenience for inclusion in the November/December issue. Although clearly ignored by many, submission of a summary of actions for publication from each middle-judicatory is not a suggestion but is mandated by General Assembly.
All other article submissions for the November/December issue are due the last week in October. Remember, besides news from judicatories, we also take feature articles, guest editorials, and other writings.
We have biographical information forms available to both presbyteries and individuals on request. It has been almost 40 years since the Office of the General Assembly last attempted to collect biographical information from clergy and elders active on at least the presbytery level. Even if you recall filling out one of the forms years ago, please do another and encourage others to do so. Help us keep our files updated. This information is kept primarily confidential by the Historical Foundation but available to some denominational staff on a “need to know” basis.
Matthew H. Gore
Editor, the Cumberland Presbyterian Magazine
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