Teacher/Leader Commissioning
Brim: Creative Overflow in Worship Design
Banner Designs for the Church Year
- Locate a copy of the song “Celebration” by Kool and the Gang to play as a gathering song for worship each Sunday of the CE Season. You may not want to play the entire song since it is about four minutes long and repeats.
- Ask your worship committee or a creative bunch of folks to decorate the worship area with growing items such as plants and seeds, a bag of good dirt, small shovels, a watering can and gardening gloves and other things that will remind the congregation that school teachers and staff are nurturing our children and youth to be good people in their lives outside of the church as well as inside the church walls. You may want to decorate with pots of plants that can then be given to the teachers/staff to take home with them reminding them of their ministry in the classroom.
- If you have slides before and during worship, you may want to have pictures of the teachers/staff in their classroom/office settings.
- Look through the Additional Activities at the end of this liturgy and decide which of these you will do. Make plans to do them and gather materials as needed. You will also need to publicize and recruit people to help you with them so leave plenty of time to do so.
—based on Psalm 119:9-16
Leader: How can young people keep their way pure?
People: By guarding it according to your word.
Leader: With our whole hearts we seek you;
do not let us stray from your commandments.
People: We treasure your word in our hearts,
so that we may not sin against you.
Leader: Blessed are you, O Lord;
teach us your statutes.
People: With our lips we declare
all the ordinances of your mouth.
Leader: We delight in the way of your decrees
as much as in all riches.
People: We will meditate on your precepts,
and fix our eyes on your ways.
Leader: We will delight in your statutes;
People: We will not forget your word.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
—adapted from various psalms (CEV)
Leader: Come, God’s children, listen as God teaches us to respect the Lord.
People: We will study God’s teachings and follow in God’s footsteps.
Leader: The Law of the Lord is perfect; it gives us new life.
God’s teachings last forever, and they give wisdom to ordinary people.
People: We will study God’s teachings and follow in God’s footsteps.
Leader: We praise you, Lord, for being our teacher.
Even in the darkest night, your teachings fill our minds.
People: We will study God’s teachings and follow in God’s footsteps.
Leader: We keep your laws in mind, O God, and never look away from your teachings.
People: We will study God’s teachings and follow in God’s footsteps.
Leader: Show us your paths and teach us to follow.
People: We will study God’s teachings and follow in God’s footsteps.
Leader: You said that you will point out the road that we should follow.
You promised to be our teacher and watch over us.
People: We will study God’s teachings and follow in God’s footsteps.
Leader: Come, God’s children, listen as God teaches us to respect the Lord.
People: We will study God’s teachings and follow in God’s footsteps.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
O God, we welcome you into this sanctuary where we know you have come before us. We ask that as we are here, that you would put your truth and wisdom in our hearts . We ask that you bless our church leaders and teachers so they might teach us your word to mature our faith. Be with us Lord. As you have saved us by the blood of your son, Jesus Christ, guide us by the Holy Spirit into a life filled with learning. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
Be Thou My Vision
Open My Eyes
Thy Word is a Lamp Unto My Feet
Shine, Jesus Shine
Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise
—Elinor Swindle Brown
Proverbs, the Book of Wisdom, says this: “If you don’t confess your sins, you will not prosper. But God will be merciful if you confess your sins and give them up.” As children of God, we are smart enough to realize what we must do. Let us confess our sins to the All-Knowing God.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
God of all wisdom, we come to you again like little children confessing their wrongs to their teacher, knowing that we deserve punishment, but hoping for mercy nonetheless. We look out into a world of hurting people and only think of ourselves. We hear of those who are grieving and desperate and whine that we do not have the latest and greatest popular thing. We take in the suffering of others and turn our backs to them because we are “too busy” to help, selfishly thinking we need to help our own first. God, convict us like you did Paul on the road to Damascus. Teach us through all ways possible that your way is the way we need to follow and all others are at best secondary. Teach us your ways. Make them known to us. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, our perfect teacher. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
Hebrews 2:17 says “He [Jesus] had to be one of us, so that he could serve God as our merciful and faithful high priest and sacrifice himself for the forgiveness of our sins. Because of Jesus’ sacrifice, God has graciously forgiven our sins—wiped them away as if they were never there. Friends, believe the good news. In Jesus Christ, we are forgiven. Thanks be to God.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
Read the book Lilly’s Purple Plastic Purse by Kevin Henkes. If you do not own this book, this is a great opportunity to buy it for yourself or for your church’s nursery or library. After reading it, you may want to make the following points:
- Today the worship service is celebrating school teachers and those who work at schools.
- This story about Lilly and her purse and three quarters and movie star sunglasses shows that sometimes we like people and sometimes we don’t, but that may say more about us and the mood we are in and less about them.
- Teachers like to be liked by their students and like for their students to want to be teachers because of them, but they also have to do things in class sometimes to help the whole class learn rather than always doing just fun stuff.
- Slinger did understand that Lilly was excited about her purse and everything in it, but Mr. Slinger also had a very important job to do. He had to teach Lilly and her friends so they could grow up to be smart and healthy and able to be patient and share and all that good stuff.
- God has prepared teachers and people who work at school with some special skills: not only have they learned stuff like how to read and how to add and subtract, they have something in them that makes them want to teach us so we can be the best people God has made us to be.
- Today we are celebrating teachers and people who work at schools. They are special people and ones that God has given a special joy to want to teach. I want you to think about your teachers and how special they are. Let us pray for them and thank God that they want to teach people like us. Then pray something like this: God, we thank you so much for our teachers and what they mean to us. We know that like Lilly, we don’t always see that they are caring for us even if they are. Help us to learn all we can from them so we can teach others in all different kinds of ways. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
O Lord, as Jesus taught Nicodemus what he must do to have eternal life, teach us through the reading of your word and the meditation of our hearts to discern what you would have us know. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
Christ Jesus,
When we open our eyes, may you be there;
When we open our ears, may you be there;
When we open our mouths, may you be there;
When we open the scripture, may you be there.
Help us to see with your eyes;
Help us to hear with your ears;
Help us to speak your truth in love;
Help us to make time for you, for others, for ourselves. Amen.
—Prayer by Rupert Kaye adapted from prayforschools.org
- Jeremiah 1:4-10—God is calling Jeremiah to speak the words that God needs the people to hear.
The pastor might talk about God being with teachers to give them the tools and skills they need to teach and nurture others.
The pastor may want to utilize “The Cricket Story” found in Doorways to the Soul: 52 Wisdom Tales from Around the World, edited by Elisa Davy Pearmain. This Contemporary North American story talks about hearing in the midst of our busy lives.
Your church might ask the teachers and school staff to sit together in an area of the church and the pastor might come to speak in front of them rather than behind the pulpit. This is a way to set these people apart for this special service.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
We thank you for the women and men you have called to work in education.
Bless their hearts with your love, joy and peace.
Season their words with your patience, kindness, and goodness.
Fill their minds with your faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
When they respond to a broken-hearted child
Show them how to be big-hearted.
When they reach out to a rebellious teen
Remind them to be obedient to you.
When they advise a lonely mature student
Help them to be Christ Jesus to them.
When they meet with an angry parent
Let them see a child of God.
When they give advice to a discouraged colleague
Give them helpful and encouraging words.
When they speak to visitors and strangers
Grant them the gift of hospitality. Amen.
—Prayer by Rupert Kaye from prayforschools.org
All Voices: Hear this, you who are called to teach—You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.
Reader 1: I am a child. I am a child of God. See how I jump and run and explore. The world is so full of a number of things—painting, skipping, playing, running, laughing. I feel wonder and excitement as I live in God’s world. I ask all kinds of questions. I am enthusiastic, curious, and persistent. You, who are called to teach—Help me to worship God, help me to grow in faith, help me to explore my world and find answers to my questions.
All Voices: Hear this, you who are called to teach—Let the little children come to me. Whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it. Let the little children come. Let them come.
Reader 2: I am a youth. I am a child of God. I search and seek, asking countless questions about life. I wonder who I am and why I am here. Why do I live at this particular time? I am full of energy and life. Help me to discover my identity. Help me to know my worth. I question what you say. Are you telling me the truth? You, who are called to teach—Help me to know the truth.
All Voices: Hear this, you who are called to teach—Remember now your creator in the days of your youth. Remember your creator. How shall they hear without a teacher?
Reader 3: I am a young adult. I am a child of God. I am caught somewhere in between the youth group and adulthood. At this time in my life I wonder what I will be doing in 5 years. What is God calling me to do and who is God calling me to be? I am excited yet confused about the world ahead of me. You who are called to teach – Help me to find comfort through the confusion. Help me to seek answers and direction in the midst of the chaos.
All Voices: Hear this, you who are called to teach—When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became an adult, I put away childish things. Now we see in a mirror dimly, but then we shall see face to face.
Reader 4: I am a young parent. I am a child of God. I am a person living in a perplexing world, delighting in my children and worrying about their future. My family gives me joy. I want the best for them, but my children are sensitive, vulnerable and innocent. I have to teach them integrity, responsibility, and faith in God. I have to help them grow. You, who are called to teach—Help me to lead them. Show me how to teach my children.
All Voices: Hear this, you who are called to teach—When your child asks, you shall say—we were slaves in Egypt and the Lord saved us. When your child asks, you shall say—Jesus Christ is the truth and the life.
Reader 5: I am an adult. I am a child of God. The days of my life pass very quickly and are full of many commitments and responsibilities. I search for answers as I live in an ever-changing world. You who are called to teach – Speak to me about the meaning of life. What is faith? Does God exist? Help me with my doubts and help me to pray.
All Voices: Hear this, you who are called to teach—Always be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks you about the hope that is in you. Christ died for sins once and for all, that he might bring us to God. Our hope is in Jesus Christ.
Reader 6: I am a senior adult. I am a child of God. I often think of my childhood days and my childhood friends. I still feel young in my mind—but often my body betrays my will. Sometimes it seems like no one needs me. Some days are long and I am lonely. I have time to think. I wonder what it is like to die. You who are called to teach—Show me your friendship and lend me your strength.
All Voices: Hear this, you who are called to teach.
Reader 1: These words which I command you shall be upon your heart.
Reader 2: You shall teach them to your children.
Reader 3: You shall talk of them in your home.
Reader 4: You shall remember the Lord your God.
Reader 5: You shall love the Lord your God will all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind.
Reader 6: Hear this, you who are called to teach.
All Voices: Hear this, you who are called to teach. Amen.
—Brenthaven CPC
There is an intellectual argument in which some people say that we should not give 10%, or a tithe, because that is an Old Testament practice and when Jesus came, he changed everything from Old Testament ways to New Testament ways. Usually the argument stops there, but if we are going to follow Jesus’ teaching and example, then we are asked to give all—100%. It’s something to think about as we give back to God, what God has so graciously given to us. Let us give our tithes and offerings.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
If you intend to do the Teacher Tree during worship (see additional activities below), you may want to do it here.
O God, we have brought just a small portion of what we have, knowing that you gave all for us. We ask that you will bless this money and teach us how to use it to further your kingdom here on earth. Amen.
—Elinor Swindle Brown
Go out into the world to Celebrate! Celebrate all that you have learned this day and remember to share God’s teachings with everyone you meet!
Celebrate going into the world treating everyone with the love and peace that Jesus has taught us to give!
Celebrate new experiences knowing that we are never alone for the Holy Spirit is always there holding us close and guiding us to do the right thing!
Go in peace!
—Elinor Swindle Brown
- The Teacher Tree—This idea is adapted from Brim: Creative Overflow in Worship Design by Andra Moran and Suzanne Castle and can be done as a part of worship or not. Beg/borrow/buy an indoor potted tree either live or artificial. Fill a basket with either artificial fruit or paper fruit cut outs. Decide on a way to hang these on the tree. Have Sharpies available and ask each person to do one of two things: If they are a teacher or school worker, write on the fruit one gift they have that they can bring to help the students with which they work, thinking especially of how it will nurture and grow those students OR if they are not a teacher/school worker, write on the fruit one gift that one of their teachers had (or have) that has nurtured and grown them. If used during the worship service, you might have this tree near the communion table in the front of the sanctuary.
- Seed Ball—As a congregation, plan a time to make seed balls. It is an activity that takes a little amount of time and can be done as an intergenerational activity. Go to wikipedia.org/wiki/Seed_ball or look on pinterest to learn how to make seed balls and the materials you will need to make them.
- Flower Bulbs—Commit as a congregation to buy and plant flower bulbs at the local school(s) which your members work. If you don’t have any school teachers or staff, find a school to plant at anyway. Be sure to ask permission from school administration first and let them know that you are honoring their teachers and staff with this activity. If there is a reason you cannot plant, you might offer to clean the school grounds, rake leaves or do something else nice to serve the school.
—Elinor Swindle Brown