Welcome, Friends, to the Communication Ministry Team’s Live Blog for Cumberland Presbyterian General Assembly, 2019.
We’re happy to announce that this year we will be hosting the first ever live video-feed of the business sessions and select worship services. To watch LIVE videos live or to re-watch worship or business that has already happened, visit the CMT’s YouTube page HERE.
Anticipated schedule of Live Video:
June 9, 7:30pm – Opening Worship
June 10, 10am – Opening Devotion/Unification
June 13, 9:30am – Closing Business pt 1
June 13, 2pm – Closing Business pt 2
June 13, 7pm – Closing Worship
As we prepare for GA, please find the preliminary minutes HERE.
Thursday 9:30 am
Thursday Business session is LIVE:
Thursday Business Session LIVE part 2.
Thursday Business Session LIVE part 3.
Find the Committee Reports PDF HERE p
4:29 – Minutes approved!!!
4:07 – Reading of the minutes. Here we go.
4:05 – resolution of appreciation for the host(s)
4:02 – Rev. Dr. Michael Qualls says a prayer for PAD and Rev. Dr. Rustenhaven.
4:01 – Report and recommendations ARE APPROVED
3:56 – The amendment to the amendment has passed, so now we move on to vote on the amendment itself, which passed.
3:52 – We are nearly finished amending the amendment to the bi-law ammendment. Should vote on the amendment’s amendment in a moment.
3:45 – Ammendment to R10 is offerend.
3:44 – R10 changes GA bi-laws so it’s separated out, taken first, and requires a 2/3 vote.
3:43 – Thank you HAD a for your lengthy reading this day! We’re done reading.
3:24 – Report on Children’s home and Higher Education is being read.
3:22 – Vice Moderator Michael Clark takes a moment of privilege to thank the YAD’s
3:23 – Former Moderator Jay Earheart-Brown says a prayer for former Vice-Moderator Buddy Pope
3:22 – Report passes
3:19 – Motion to amend R.9 for clarity. PASSES
3:11 – Motion to amend recommendation 3 to remove the children’s home from OUR funding as they are not serving anyone outside of Texas. MOTION FAILS
3:09 – Motion to amend Moderators report to include representatives in the wording something something. Passes.
3:08 – Done reading. Motion to amend report including the previously approved day of prayer and fasting on Ash Wednesday. Motion passes.
2:55 – Stewardship and OUO report is now being read. (It’s a long report)
2:54 – After explanations are given report IS PASSES with no amendments.
2:49 – Explanations for the new recommendations are requested.
2:48 – My, that was a long report.
2:35 – Report is being read
2:34 – Report on Chaplains and Historical Foundation is on the floor
2:33 – Moderator switch for the next report!
2:32 – Subsidiary recommendation voted on. Again a standing vote. RECOMMENDATION 3 PASSES
2:29 Subsidiary motion on Baptism theology training for them next GA. Call for the question. Close vote. Standing vote. Call for question passes.
2:25 – aaaaand now I’m lost. Recommendation 2 wasn’t voted on, I don’t think, but then we have an amendment motion regarding the Nashville statement on baptism. Not sure exactly what we are debating now, except baptism.
2:14 – Recommendation 2 on baptism from Nashville Presbyterian is on the floor
2:12 – Recommendation 1 IS APPROVED
2:07 – retrieve from the table Recommendation 1
2:04 – Greetings from the new CPWM President
2:03 – Return from lunch. Business resumes.
11:45 – Break for lunch. Will resume at 2:00 pm
11:45 – After much discussion, report (and recommendation 1) is tabled until after lunch.
11:29 – Report is divided
11:26 – Report of the Judiciary committee is being read.
11:19 – Request from the MMT to provide some reporting from our churches in Hong Kong a s protests are filling the streets.
Lynn Thomas reports on the situation as he stands with our commissioners from UK Presbytery. He leads GA in a prayer for our commissioners, our churches, and for the people of Hong Kong
11:18 – Report is approved
11:09 – Retort is being read
11:08 – Report of the Ministry Council is on the floor.
11:06 – Report of the Nominating Committee IS APPROVED
11:03 – Report of the Nominating committee is on the floor.
10:58 – Housekeeping items from the Moderator.
10:56 – Greetings from the new Moderator of the CPCA.
10:55 – Return from break
10:35 – Break
10:33 – RECOMMENDATION 3: That Recommendation 1 of the Report of the Unifi cation Task Force, that this
Proposed Plan for Union be adopted by the General Assemblies of the CPCA and the CPC; and that upon such
approval, it be forwarded to the presbyteries of the CPCA and the CPC for ratification approval during the 2019-2020 year.
Presbyteries will be instructed to submit a report of their vote to their respective General Assembly clerks in time to
be announced by the 2020 General Assemblies,” be adopted.
10:32 Call for the question approved.
10:26 Further questions about representation from presbyteries in a Unified Denomination.
10:18 – RECOMMENDATION 3: That Recommendation 1 of the Report of the Unifi cation Task Force, that this
Proposed Plan for Union be adopted by the General Assemblies of the CPCA and the CPC; and that upon such
approval, it be forwarded to the presbyteries of the CPCA and the CPC for ratification approval during the 2019-2020 year.
Presbyteries will be instructed to submit a report of their vote to their respective General Assembly clerks in time to
be announced by the 2020 General Assemblies,” be adopted.
10:15 – Recommendation is edited – “ratification” becomes “approval”.
10:13 – Recommendation 3 is brought to the floor.
10:12 – RECOMMENDATION 2: That the UCTSC return a response to the 190th General Assembly of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church.
10:12 – More discussion is had regarding unity, we are referenced back to the recommendation that is on the table. The question is called for.
10:04 – Question is raised, “It’s not as important what we decide about LGBTQ position statement, but whether or not we would be able to stay unified as Cumberland Presbyterians while we disagree. Why would we pursue unification when we ourselves are not unified.”
10:04 – Recommendation 2 is brought to the floor.
10:03 – RECOMMENDATION 1: That Recommendation 1 of the Report of the Unifi ed Committee on Theology
and Social Concerns, “that the UCTSC requests more time to consider other pertinent information from various
perspectives in order to set forth a loving, Biblical and theological sound response,” be adopted.
9:57 – Recommendation 1 is brought to the floor.
9:56 – Decision to approach each recommendation separately is agreed upon.
9:50 – Reading of Theology and Social Concerns Committee Report
9:45 – Clerk gives instructions for the morning for the assembly
9:43 – Leon Cole prays for both denominations during the next year and also for the business of today.
9:40 – Greetings from CPCA brought by Leon Cole, outgoing Moderator of CPCA.
9:35 – 189th GA is called to order, by the moderator.
Thursday – 8:30 am
Morning worship is LIVE.
Wednesday – 12:00 pm
Memphis Theological Seminary and the Program of Alternate Studies hosted a luncheon to celebrate new programs and to honor those who have blessed the Seminary and PAS.
Clinton Buck was honored for his contributions towards the Baird Buck Endowment and the Cumberland Presbyterian House of Studies. He received an award which read:
“In Recognition of a lifetime of committed service to:
The mission of Memphis Theological Seminary
The work of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church
The task of theological education
The promotion of the Baird-Buck Endowment
Memphis Theological Seminary and a grateful Cumberland Presbyterian Church Acknowledge the contribution of Rev. Dr. Clinton Buck.”
Additionally, Mary Kathryn Kirkpatrick received an award given in memory of Rev. Dr. William Rustenhaven, Jr. which read:
“He brought joy to the calling of ordained ministry in the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church for sixty-two years.
A beloved pastor, tenacious theologian, adept administrator
he was first and foremost an unashamed servant of the
living Christ. As the first Director of the Program of Alternate
Studies, his dedication is responsible for the program’s launch.
He found fulfillment in ministry and invested in people. In the
pulpit, in the classroom, and in countless casual conversations,
“Brother Bill” left a lasting living legacy. His signature advice
to test-taking students works for all of life’s trials:
‘If you are unsure just remember – JESUS IS LORD!’ ”
The Luncheon was closed with a brief moment of peace as we were treated to a mini concert by pianist Karen Cantrell from the Rogersville, AL
Wednesday – 9:30 am
CPCA business meeting began and the vote to move Unification forward to each Presbytery was approved. God Bless our careful deliberation and our decisions across the next year.
Tuesday – 8:30 pm
A wonderful celebration of the trail blazer Louisa Woosley and the women in ministry who have followed her was held alongside coffee and snacks. 30 women clergy were present with us!
Tuesday – 5:30 pm
Bethel University hosted a dinner celebrating the resolution of their education degree program with the State of Tennessee and a return to awarding those degrees and certifying teachers in the State of Tennessee. Additionally, they shared about the Ministry Bridge Program in a partnership with Memphis Theological Seminary and the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.
Tuesday – 12:00 pm
CPCA National Missionary Society Luncheon! My favorite thing of the week with the awesome hats!
Tuesday – 7:00 am
The second annual GA 5k and fun run!
[embed-google-photos-album link=”https://photos.app.goo.gl/fc9HT7G5KeWSGMj48″]
Monday – 5:00 pm
A Reception is held in honor of all present Moderators of both denominations at the Church Street Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America.
Monday – 2:00 pm (see live feed video!)
Shelia O’Mara of Presbytery del Christo was elected Moderator of the 189th General Assembly.
Extensive time was spent discussing communications to the body regarding the topic of human sexuality, a topic that is currently before the Unified Committee on Theology and Social Concerns. Because the subject is still under review of that Committee, communications from the assembly and from presbyteries cannot be received and referred to the committee. As a courtesy, they are being made available to the members of the committee as they discuss and deliberate.
Monday – 10:00 am
Morning devotion is about to start, followed by a presentation and discussion on Unification. Video slideshow is the backdrop to the morning as seen below:
Monday – 8:00 am
Commissioners are arriving for their committee orientation after our breakfast.
At 10:00 am, there will be a joint presentation on Unification, We will attempt to have a Facebook Live video broadcast for everyone to be able to join us. All videos will be uploaded to YouTube within 24 hours of recording.
Sunday – 7:30 pm Worship
After a wonderful blessing of the Host Choir, Stan Wood preached on Love to open the joint Assemblies of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church and the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America.
[embed-google-photos-album link=”https://photos.app.goo.gl/hrS5kTgCDnKHtacJ9″]
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