This online scavenger hunt was created to use on an online video call for all ages. There are three easy...
Nashville School Shooting: Help Children Dealing with Questions about Tragedy
Originally posed by Jodi Rush, Coordinator of Children and Family Ministry for the Discipleship Ministry Team of the Ministry Council of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Hello friends, There was a horrific school shooting in Nashville today (March 27, 2023) in which three children and three adults were killed. Unfortunately, this has happened in too many […]
Online Scavenger Hunt for Lent
This online scavenger hunt was created to use on an online video call for all ages. There are three easy steps to participate in the scavenger hunt: 1. Read a scripture on the list. 2. Go and find an item mentioned in the scripture in your house. 3. Bring the item back to the group […]
Families Falling into Faith Formation
Families Falling into Faith Formation Families are experiencing all sorts of new realities this fall. Virtual school, mask wearing, cancellations, hybrid meetings and activities, Zoom sessions, and the list goes on. Many families are finding a deeper sense of wanting to nurture faith at home away from screens and computers. While reading a Bible story or having prayer time are always excellent ways of forming faith, you can also try one of […]
Vacation Bible School in a New Way
The summer of 2020 is shaping up to look very different than any summer we have ever experienced. Families are looking at the summer ahead without the traditional “in-person” activities they are accustomed to attending. Vacation Bible School is one of the activities that many churches are looking to do in a new way – […]
Guide of Resources
All of us are currently navigating our new world in the midst of our global pandemic Covid-19. The Discipleship Ministry Team applauds all of our churches for their continued ministry and want to help. We know there are many different things out there and we’ve tried to curate a helpful list compiled in one spot […]
Where are you hiding, God?
“Where Are You Hiding, God?” This is a question that all ages ask when going through difficult times. This book reminds us that God is always very near. There is a suggested activity for families to do together after the reading of the book.
Conversations with Children About Scary Topics
Parents, caregivers, church educators, and pastors are needing to have conversations with children they care about that are full of scary topics – gun violence, tornadoes, pandemics. Listed below are a few resources you might find helpful as you discuss the COVID-19 topic with children you love. Discussing COVID-19 with children Talking to Kids About […]
Faith Activities for Extended Time at Home
In these days when we are anticipating extended time at home with our children and grandchildren. Many adults will be looking for activities for their families to help pass the time. This is a good opportunity to have faith conversations and explorations at home! Church educators and pastors may also be looking for resources to […]
Acolytes: Bringing in the Light of Christ
Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” – John 8:12 The lighting of candles in a worship service symbolizes Jesus’ presence with the worshipping community. In many churches, lighting the candles is the responsibility of an acolyte. The […]
Advent: While you Wait
Advent begins Sunday, December 2. It is the season when we are waiting for the birth of Jesus. It is important what you do while you wait! If you are someone who plans for a Sunday school class, your church, or your family – it’s not too late to add some meaningful and fun activities […]
Parents and Pastors: Partners in Gen Z Discipleship
A recent Barna study shows it is very important to engaged Christian parents that their child develops a lasting faith. If the goal is to impart a vibrant, lasting faith to the next generation, the current state of affairs is not promising: Christianity has less of a hold on Gen Z than on any previous […]
Cumberland Presbyterian Curriculum Partners
To better provide Cumberland Presbyterian congregations with information and access to curriculum & resources for use in Sunday School and other settings, The Discipleship Ministry Team has partnered with several publishers who offer a variety of resources that will assist and enhance your Christian Education programming. These resources are compatible with Cumberland Presbyterian beliefs and will address […]
Families Falling into Faith Formation Families are experiencing all sorts of new realities this fall. Virtual school, mask wearing, cancellations, hybrid meetings and...
The summer of 2020 is shaping up to look very different than any summer we have ever experienced. Families are...
All of us are currently navigating our new world in the midst of our global pandemic Covid-19. The Discipleship Ministry...
“Where Are You Hiding, God?” This is a question that all ages ask when going through difficult times. This book...
Parents, caregivers, church educators, and pastors are needing to have conversations with children they care about that are full of...
In these days when we are anticipating extended time at home with our children and grandchildren. Many adults will be...
Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have...
Advent begins Sunday, December 2. It is the season when we are waiting for the birth of Jesus. It is...
To better provide Cumberland Presbyterian congregations with information and access to curriculum & resources for use in Sunday School and...
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