What is CPYC?
CPYC stands for Cumberland Presbyterian Youth Conference and is an annual youth conference hosted at Bethel University in McKenzie, TN every summer. For more info about CPYC go to http://cpc.app-staging.com/cpyc
What is the CPYC one day experience?
The CPYC (Cumberland Presbyterian Youth Conference) Experience is a FREE one-day youth event for 6th-12th graders to experience what one day at CPYC is like. It includes an opening gathering including energizers, music, and games, a small group time centered on the theme for the day, recreation, dinner, and worship. There will also be a time of promoting CPYC including a video presentation, testimonies about the impact of CPYC and some CPYC giveaways!
Who can come to the CPYC one-day experience?
We invite 6th-12th graders and adult youth leaders/volunteers to come join us!
How do I register?
Click on the tab with the city you plan to attend and fill in registration info.
Why do I need to register?
We want to know who is coming but also it helps the host church who provides dinner for us to have an idea of how much food to get/prepare for us all.
Would you like to host a CPYC One Day Experience?
Since 2016, we have hosted CPYC One Day Experiences in Huntsville, AL, Chandler, IN, Ft. Worth, TX, Hot Springs, AR, Greenfield, MO, Nashville, TN, Chattanooga, TN, and Paducah, KY. We have held them at local churches, at the CPCA denomination center and even created an event around a presbyterial retreat. If you might be interested in hosting at CPYC One Day Experience in 2019 contact Nathan Wheeler nwheeler@cumberland.org