CPYC 2016 International Reflection
Written by: Dominick Chiu, from Hong Kong 這是我第一次來到CPYC,我感到無比的興奮。CPYC對我來說是一個全新的體驗,對於美國文化以至信仰生活都與香港截然不同。美國的年輕人都非常友善和開放自己的生命,毫不吝嗇的讓別的年輕人知道他的故事,令我學習到如何更單純的透過小組分享去感受主的話語,更容易被聖靈觸動我的心。亦因為他們,我感到被接納,願意和我一同享受主的愛。處身於一個全英語的環境中,於我是一個這頗大的挑戰,需要更加用心去聆聽。但這裏的牧師、工作人員、參加者,皆願意耐心向你解釋。 Being the first time at CPYC, I feel extremely excited. Personally, CPYC has given me a brand-new experience that the cultural and religious life here are completely different from Hong Kong. American youths are friendly and openhearted that they are so willing to share their stories to […]